What is the PECH Rule?

In case of acute injuries, one should apply the proven PECH rule, because especially the first minutes after an accident are crucial to minimize the consequences for the affected person.

The PECH rule is an easy-to-remember basic rule for sports injuries and consists of the following measures:

  • P = pause
  • E = ice
  • C = Compression
  • H = Bearing up

P = rest

S o f o r t stop exercising. The injured body part should be immobilized and no longer moved unnecessarily to limit internal bleeding and swelling and to prevent injuries from getting worse.

E = ice

Then cool the injured area with ice (do not use an ice spray). If ice is not nearby, you can also use cold running water or cold compresses. The ice causes a reduction in bleeding and swelling by constricting the blood vessels – no more blood can escape, and the affected part of the body will not swell further.

C = Compression

The next step is to apply a compression bandage with moderate tension. Compressing the tissue will reduce further bleeding. Compression should be applied along with cooling if possible.

H = elevation

The injured region of the body should be elevated higher than the heart so that blood can flow from the injured region to the heart by venous route. This will cause the swelling and associated pain to decrease. It also makes sense to elevate the injured body part periodically as treatment continues.