What is the price of Femibion®? | Femibion®

What is the price of Femibion®?

Femibion® is sold in different package sizes, which also influences the purchase price. The 30-day package costs about 18 euros for all variants, i.e. the fertility phase, early pregnancy and late pregnancy. Larger packing units are somewhat cheaper.

Femibion® is a dietary supplement which is available over the counter in pharmacies. You have to finance the product yourself. In case of a proven lack of certain vitamins, other preparations can be prescribed on prescription.

Femibion® and alcohol – how is it tolerated?

Femibion® as a food supplement does not contain any ingredients that are not absorbed through the diet anyway. A combination with alcohol therefore poses no danger to women. However, as Femibion® is intended for pregnancy, women should not drink alcohol under any circumstances, as alcohol damages the unborn child and can lead to severe disabilities. Even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy can trigger fetal alcohol syndrome, or FAS for short. Affected children suffer from reduced intelligence and hyperactivity.

Alternatives to Femibion

The most important alternative to the dietary supplement Femibion® is the sufficient intake of the substances through a healthy diet. There are still many preparations which only balance one nutrient in a targeted manner. For some time now, pediatricians have been demanding that all pregnant women take a folic acid preparation to prevent neural tube defects.

These preparations can also be taken without other food supplements. Other mixed preparations are also available in pharmacies.