What is the Thymus Gland?

The thymus gland is also called the brain of the body’s defenses or the school of T lymphocytes. It plays its greatest role during childhood. In adults, the organ, which is located behind the breastbone, loses size and importance. Find out what the thymus gland is good for here.

Blood policemen on the move

The lymphatic system, of which the thymus gland is a part, is distributed throughout the body. It is closely related to the immune system and the bone marrow. This is where the T and B lymphocytes are formed, defense cells that circulate in the bloodstream and destroy foreign pathogens.

In order for the T lymphocytes to perform their task, they must first “learn” in the thymus gland to distinguish between the body’s own cells and foreign cells. Consequently, the thymus gland plays a very important role in building up the immune system. It grows until puberty. Later, its mass decreases considerably, and its lymphoid tissue is replaced by adipose tissue.

Thymus gland knocking is said to invigorate

Tapping on the thymus gland is said to help you regain energy when you feel powerless, tired or exhausted.

Proceed by gently tapping the center of the chest with your fist in a counterclockwise direction. Tap the chest about ten to twelve times. If possible, light humming can support the tapping. You should then feel the energy and strength in the body reawakening and a relaxing sensation arising.