What other accompanying symptoms can occur? | Back pain as a symptom of colon cancer

What other accompanying symptoms can occur?

Unfortunately, colorectal cancer generally does not show any particularly noticeable symptoms in the early stages of the disease. In addition to back pain, colorectal cancer is characterized by digestive disorders with altered bowel movements. Depending on the location, this can manifest itself as constipation or diarrhea.

The amount of stool can also change and so-called “pencil stools” occur more frequently. Another possible change in bowel movement is the addition of blood, bloody deposits or mucus. Colon cancer leads to a general reduction in performance, fatigue and loss of energy in many patients.

It can also lead to fever, weight loss and night sweats. The latter can be so severe that pyjamas must be changed during the night. Colon cancer in the area of the colon (colon carcinoma) also frequently leads to the formation of hemorrhoids.

The treatment

There are several treatment options for back pain in colorectal cancer. However, the most important one is the treatment of colorectal cancer. This is because it can proliferate in areas of the intestine that are close to the spine.

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, i.e. chemotherapy given prior to surgery, can achieve a reduction in tumor tissue. The tumor is then surgically removed. Over time, back pain should also decrease.

If there are metastases in the spinal column, depending on their number and location, a check is made to see whether they are operable. If this is not the case, patients are given chemotherapeutic agents. If the treatment is successful, the pain disappears again.

Depending on your physical condition, you can try to do sports to strengthen the back muscles. Special exercises from physiotherapy are suitable for this purpose, and swimming and cycling are also recommended. Special massages with herbal oils can release tension and relieve pain.

In addition to these possibilities, the pain can also be treated with medication. Various painkillers, such as Diclofenac, can be given.Creams like Voltaren Pain Gel or Kytta® Pain Ointment can also help. However, the painkillers only treat the symptoms and lead to a short-term improvement. If you want to treat back pain successfully, you should fight intestinal cancer.