What prescription drugs are available? | Medicines for gum inflammation

What prescription drugs are available?

The most commonly used medication for gum inflammation is antibiotics. Most inflammation is caused by bacteria, and these are effectively combated with various antibiotics. Some antibiotic-containing medications are listed below.

Antibiotics are used systemically in the course of periodontitis therapy. Actisite contains tetracycline and is taken for 10 days. Ligosan with the antibiotic active substance Doxycyclin is a preparation for 12 days.

A disposable antibiotic is Elyzol with metronidazole. The advantage is that the side effects are not as strong as with preparations that are used for a longer time. In addition, arrests with monocylin as an ingredient are also used.

Another preparation is a chlorhexidine chip, which is inserted into the gum pocket. It is not freely available for sale, as chlorhexidine is present in 34% form. All of the above mentioned drugs are specifically effective against the most common bacterial strain, Aggregatiacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa).

When do I need an antibiotic?

The dentist must make this decision whether and when to initiate an accompanying antibiotic therapy. Since antibiotics are always associated with side effects, the relation between cost-benefit and risk-benefit must be weighed up. Provided that the patient is systemically healthy, the body is strong enough, even the bacteria go to fight.

A systemic antibiotic administration is for example indicated in aggressive periodontitis. It occurs frequently in young and healthy patients and, as the name suggests, is very aggressive. The body therefore needs support in defending itself.

In cases of severe chronic inflammation or necrotic ulcerative gingivitis, antibiotics are also used, as the chronically manifested disease cannot be treated otherwise. In addition, patients are treated who show no improvement despite good mechanical cleaning. If the gums do not recover and continue to recede even though they are cleaned properly, the cause cannot be a lack of hygiene. It is also important that abscesses in the gum area are treated with antibiotics. Otherwise they could spread and lead to swollen lymph nodes.Patients whose general condition is reduced, and whose immune system is therefore not strong enough, are given an antibiotic, as this is the only way to remove the bacteria.