What prescription drugs are available? | Medicines for sore throat

What prescription drugs are available?

On the one hand, strong painkillers such as ibuprofen are only available on prescription from a dosage of 600 mg. Novaminsulfone 500mg is also available on prescription and can be taken for sore throats. This drug is also available in drop form, which can be better varied in dose than tablets. Thus a better adjustment to the degree of pain can be achieved.

In addition, it is often easier to take the liquid drops for swallowing problems than to take tablets. Novaminsulfone not only relieves pain but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Lozenges containing local anaesthetics such as benzocaine are only available on prescription.

If it is a bacterial inflammation that should be treated with antibiotics, a prescription must also be written by a doctor. For example, streptococci can cause sore throat (angina tonsillaris) in about 30% of cases. Penicillins or cephalosporins are then often given, which act against the bacterial infection and thus directly combat the trigger of the sore throat. If other bacteria are responsible for the infection, the type of antibiotic may have to be adapted.

Which sprays are available?

Sprays are sprayed onto the mucous membrane of the throat, where they form a film on the mucosa.This film is supposed to protect the already irritated throat, clean the throat from viruses and bacteria, and partially anesthetizing and anti-inflammatory. This is achieved by various active ingredients contained in the sprays. On the one hand, there are sprays such as EMS® Neck Pain Spray Acute.

This contains various oils such as eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil and thyme oil. Another spray against sore throat is Tantum verde®, which contains benzydamine hydrochloride and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Sprays from various manufacturers containing chlorhexidine can also be used for sore throats.

Chlorhexidine has an antibacterial effect and thus combats bacteria in the mouth and throat area that cause inflammation. Please note that chlorhexidine should not be used in children under 2 years of age. There are also sprays that contain flurbiprofen.

Here too, Flurbiprofen has a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect without numbing the throat area. Dequonal® spray has an antibacterial and antiviral effect. Lidocaine sprays also relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

They have a local anaesthetic effect, as they usually contain the local anaesthetic lidocaine, thus alleviating symptoms. Saltwater sprays such as Emser® throat spray can also be used for sore throats. These sprays help to moisten the mucous membrane of the throat and can thus protect the irritated throat and relieve sore throats. Are you further interested in treatment options for sore throat using a spray?