What role does nutrition play in this? | Homeopathy for allergies

What role does nutrition play in this?

With allergies the nutrition plays a large role. Many foods contain histamine, which plays an important role in allergic reactions. Logically, the histamine level in the body should be kept as low as possible in allergies.

Therefore food with a high histamine content should be avoided. This includes tuna, nuts, salami and spinach, as well as alcohol. In addition, there is the widespread food allergy, where it is recommended to avoid the food that causes the allergy. Common allergy-causing foods are nuts, soy products and celery.

Which home remedies can help me?

There are several home remedies that can help with allergies. Hot ginger is a popular household remedy that can treat various allergies. The effect of ginger is based on strengthening the immune system.

Ginger contains substances that fight against inflammation and thus reduce existing pain. It also relieves swelling and irritation of the mucous membranes. In addition, the production of saliva is promoted, whereby the mucous membranes are sufficiently moistened.

This also supports the immune system. Ginger can be used in various forms. The easiest way to prepare ginger tea is to pour hot water over pieces of ginger.

Another possibility is inhalation with fennel oil. For this, water should be boiled and mixed with a few drops of the oil. Then the head can be held over the steaming mixture and additionally covered with a towel.

This causes the vapors to rise in a concentrated form into the deep respiratory tract, where they dissolve any stuck mucus. The airways are cleaned and freed from dirt. There is a separate article on this topic: “Household remedies for allergies”.