What role does the psyche play in neurodermatitis? | Neurodermatitis

What role does the psyche play in neurodermatitis?

Neurodermatitis is not a neurological or psychological disease. However, emotional stress can provoke the onset of neurodermatitis. These include stress, anger, grief or even nervousness.

Thus many affected persons report also that the Neurodermitis becomes worse, if they are not well. However, since those affected often suffer from the conspicuous symptoms – especially when the rash appears on the face – it is often also a vicious circle, since this emotional strain can make the neurodermatitis worse. Also one should take the suffering pressure of the Neurodermitis patients seriously, since from it further psychological loads and also the retreat from the social life can result.

What is a neurodermatitis episode?

A relapse is the period of time during which the symptoms of a chronic disease occur. The symptoms may worsen or appear on previously healthy skin. In neurodermatitis, certain triggers are often involved in the onset of the relapse.

The relapse can – if treated correctly – be contained again. How long the relapse lasts also depends on the treatment of the affected skin. The triggers of a relapse in neurodermatitis are very diverse and partly very unspecific.

For example, exposure to dust can provoke a skin rash within a very short time. Heat accumulation, for example during sports, when the skin becomes too warm and starts to sweat, can also trigger neurodermatitis. In the winter months, cold weather dries out the skin.

Since the skin of neurodermatitis sufferers is already dry anyway, the additional drying of the skin causes the rash to break out. Emotional stress such as stress or grief can also cause a surge. In some cases, the symptoms also worsen with infections. Skin irritation, for example by skin-irritating substances such as creams or scratchy clothing, can also lead to a rash. Many other stimuli can cause the outbreak of neurodermatitis, so it should be found out individually what aggravates neurodermatitis and these factors should be avoided.