What should be considered when wearing a thigh bandage? | Thigh bandage

What should be considered when wearing a thigh bandage?

Some bandages should not be used if there are open wounds, poorly healing wounds or skin irritation on the patient’s thigh. In this case, applying and wearing a bandage would only irritate the skin even more. If there is a tendency or a risk of thrombosis, the patient should be weighed and a suitable bandage should be found.

Compression has a negative effect on circulatory disorders of the lower legs and feet, on varicose veins and venous drainage disorders. In case of skin irritation or allergic reactions, the bandage should not be worn any more. A further point is the stabilizing function of a bandage, which in the long term counteracts a balanced muscle build-up.

In order to ensure a further build-up of the affected muscle areas after a few weeks of use, the support should be removed intermittently during training. However, this change should be discussed with the doctor in charge and, above all, with the physiotherapist. In this case, the fine line between medical indication and effective training must be kept.