What should I do if the copper chain has fallen out? | The copper chain

What should I do if the copper chain has fallen out?

Especially in the first few days after application, a copper chain is not yet completely fixed, as this has to be done by the muscles themselves. For this reason, increased rejection of the copper chain occurs in the first days. If the woman notices this, she should consult a gynecologist.

The copper chain can also slip out unnoticed while going to the toilet. Contraception is no longer possible immediately after slipping out. For this reason, the situation should be checked after a few days to weeks.

Especially in the first period, a condom should be used in addition to the copper chain for contraception. After slipping out, a new copper chain can be inserted immediately, but this is again associated with costs. The gynecologist will check whether there was a specific reason for the loss and whether it can be repaired.

Slipping out of the copper chain does not pose any danger to the woman. The place where the copper chain was attached heals spontaneously and without scarring. Severe abdominal cramps can be a risk factor for slipping out. If the copper chain is lost more frequently, an alternative method of contraception should also be considered for financial reasons.

Is it possible to use it despite a later wish to become pregnant?

The copper chain gets along without hormones and does not interfere with the natural cycle of the woman. Pregnancy is therefore possible again immediately after removal of the copper chain. Late effects that can prevent pregnancy are significantly less common than with hormone preparations. The copper chain is also suitable for a break between two pregnancies. The copper chain can therefore also be used without hesitation by young girls before family planning.

The GyneFix copper chain

Like all medicines and medical devices, the copper spiral has two names. One is the name that describes the product, i.e. copper chain, and the other is the trade name that the manufacturers have given the product. The copper chain is sold under the name Gynefix® and is protected by copyright.

This means that other manufacturers are not allowed to market a product similar to the copper chain for a certain period of time. Only when the patent expires may the copper chain be produced by other manufacturers.