What should I eat in case of a stomach flu? | Gastroenteritis

What should I eat in case of a stomach flu?

In case of a gastro-enteritis, the mucous membrane of the gastro-intestinal tract is damaged and needs some time to regenerate. Therefore large heavy meals and high meat consumption should be avoided. On the other hand, one should also not stop eating completely, as the mucous membrane would otherwise need more time to get used to normal food and the diarrhea would last longer.

For this reason one should start by eating light and gentle food. For example, rusk or soft bread are suitable for this. In addition, the body loses a lot of salts and fluids in the case of a gastro-enteritis.

These must be balanced with food.Salty, light dishes such as bouillons or noodle soups are best suited for this. Other important substances such as potassium are also lost to the body in diarrhoea. This can be compensated by bananas, which also have a stuffing effect.

In addition, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. Coffee should be avoided here, as it can further irritate the mucous membranes. Water or herbal teas are better.

What are the risks of gastroenteritis during pregnancy?

There are some risks for the child in the event of a severe stomach flu during pregnancy. First of all, it should be clarified whether it is really a gastro-enteritis or about normal digestive problems occurring during pregnancy. Especially in the first months vomiting is a common symptom in pregnancy.

Changes in bowel movements also often occur during pregnancy. However, if diarrhoea or vomiting persists for a long time or is very pronounced, the doctor should be consulted. There is a risk that too much fluid and too many salts are lost.

If they are not balanced with food, the mother and also the child can become dehydrated. In addition, the loss of minerals can lead to cardiac arrhythmia, for example, which is dangerous for both mother and child. Minerals are also important for the development and growth of the child. A prolonged deficiency can lead to nerve, bone or muscle damage, for example. To compensate for the losses, the mother can get an infusion or, in the case of very severe diarrhoea, have her doctor prescribe medication.