What should I wear to my baby if I have a fever? | What should I wear to my baby when he sleeps?

What should I wear to my baby if I have a fever?

If the baby starts to have a fever, there are two main fever phases. The first is the rising fever. This is the period in which the fever reappears and increases from day to day.

During this time the baby should not be dressed too thinly, even if the temptation is great due to red-hot cheeks and a warm forehead. As long as the babies do not sweat excessively, they should be kept warm. Fever is a sign that the body has reached a new basic temperature.

To be able to maintain this temperature, the baby should not freeze under any circumstances. This would otherwise cause a chill, which the baby – just like the adults – tries to use to raise the body temperature again. The second phase follows when the babies start to sweat more.

In this phase, “supporting” work may be done to cool the baby. Lighter sleeping clothes are appropriate in this phase. Care should be taken to change clothes, if they have become wet from sweat, to avoid aggravating the cold or illness.