What to do About Hair Loss?

Hair loss is not a rare phenomenon: in Germany, about 80 percent of men are affected by hereditary hair loss. But women can also run out of hair. Fortunately, there is a lot that can be done against hair loss today. First of all, it is important to find the cause of the symptoms. This can be followed by appropriate treatment. Often the active ingredients finasteride or minoxidil are used. Frequently, people also try to combat hair loss with home remedies. However, it has not yet been scientifically proven that these are actually effective.

Forms of hair loss in men and women

In hair loss must be distinguished between different forms. The most common is genetic hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). It occurs mainly in men. The cause is an increasing sensitivity to the sex hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Typically, so-called receding hairlines form at first, and later hair loss also occurs in the tonsure area. In diffuse hair loss, the hair on the entire head becomes thinner. Causes include:

  • Psychological stress
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Hormonal disorders or changes
  • Iron deficiency
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Taking certain medications

In circular hair loss (alopecia areata), circular bald patches form on different parts of the head. The cause is probably an autoimmune reaction of the body against the hair follicles.

Shampoos, tablets and hair tonics.

If you are losing your hair, you should always consult a dermatologist first. This can determine the cause and, if necessary, recommend you a suitable therapy against hair loss. If, for example, a nutrient deficiency is the cause, the symptoms can usually be treated relatively easily and without complications. If the hair loss is genetic, various treatment methods are also available. In most cases, however, the medication must be used over a longer period of time until a result is achieved. In addition, the hair loss can only be stopped by the drugs, but not remedied. If the drugs are discontinued, the hair loss usually also returns.

Finasteride stops hair loss

Finasteride is an active ingredient that was initially used to treat benign prostate enlargement. Because hair growth improved in some patients as a result of taking it, separate preparations for hair loss were subsequently developed. Finasteride ensures that DHT is not converted into its active form by blocking the enzyme responsible. Since hereditary hair loss is based on increasing sensitivity to DHT, hair loss can be stopped in this way. Sometimes the main hair even thickens again due to the application of the remedy.

Minoxidil and 17α-estradiol for hair loss.

Similar to finasteride, minoxidil was initially used not for hair loss, but for hypertension. When increased hair growth was discovered as a side effect, its own hair loss preparations were also developed. The drug is applied directly to the scalp in the form of a tincture – tablets containing minoxidil are only suitable for the treatment of hypertension. Products containing 17α-estradiol can be used to treat hereditary hair loss in both men and women. Just like finasteride, the active ingredient ensures that testosterone is not converted into DHT. 17α-Estradiol is usually used in the form of hair tinctures, and possible side effects include itching and redness of the skin.

What to do about circular and diffuse hair loss?

In diffuse hair loss, it is important to find the cause of the symptoms and treat it. For example, if the hair loss is caused by a disorder of the thyroid gland, this disorder must be treated. The same applies to other causes such as a nutrient deficiency or psychological stress. In the case of circular hair loss, in contrast to hereditary hair loss, the hair follicles remain intact. This makes it possible to reverse the process of hair loss. However, therapy in this area is not yet fully developed. In mild cases, zinc as well as glucocorticoids can help to alleviate the symptoms.

Home remedies for hair loss

There are various home remedies for hair loss, which are said to stop hair loss.However, most of these methods are not scientifically proven. However, if you want, you can still try one of the following home remedies to see if it helps you.

  • Zinc
  • Fenugreek
  • Spirulina algae

In addition to taking these remedies, it is also said to be helpful to wash your hair regularly with coconut oil. But do not forget to thoroughly wash out the oil again afterwards. In addition, garlic juice and a mixture of sage and apple cider vinegar is also said to have a stimulating effect on hair growth.

Hair transplant and toupee

In cases of hereditary hair loss, a hair transplant can counteract hair loss. Since the hair follicles at the back of the head are insensitive to testosterone, pieces of tissue from the back of the head are transferred to the bald areas. However, such a procedure is often relatively costly. In addition, the result is sometimes less natural than when the original hairs are prevented from falling out by minoxidil or finasteride. If hair transplantation is out of the question, you can also think about making an artificial hair replacement. Wigs and toupees are available in good quality nowadays – you can even go swimming with some of them. If a wig and toupee are out of the question for you, a short haircut can also help to conceal hair loss.