What to do for a burning throat? | Burning in the throat

What to do for a burning throat?

Burning in the throat can have various causes. Therefore a treatment always depends on the cause. Patients with a burning sensation in the throat due to a flu-like infection or inflammation of the pharyngeal or palatine tonsils can first consult their family doctor.

In the case of tonsillitis, treatment with an antibiotic is often recommended to combat the actual cause, the pathogens. To relieve the burning and pain in the throat, patients can drink plenty of tea and obtain pain-relieving and anaesthetic lozenges from the pharmacy. The throat should not be allowed to dry out, as this additionally irritates the mucous membrane.

More frequent complaints after eating can be heartburn. In the case of heartburn, which also occurs more frequently in pregnant women, those affected are usually prescribed medication that reduces the production of stomach acid. This is intended to reduce the irritation of the oesophagus by the gastric acid that has been pushed up.

These measures can also help patients by changing their diet. It can be helpful to avoid fruit acid and generally heavy and acidic foods. In this way, the stomach has a chance to recover and, in most cases, a healthy stomach acid production levels itself out again.

Furthermore, several small meals should be taken and the consumption of coffee, alcohol and nicotine should be avoided. However, if the symptoms persist, patients can consult a specialist for gastrointestinal diseases. In some cases a gastroscopy can be performed.

During this the doctor can look at the stomach, especially the stomach lining, from the inside using a tube and a camera. In this way, inflammations or even chronic diseases as the cause of the complaints can either be detected or excluded. In general, if the complaints persist for a longer period of time, a doctor should be consulted for advice, in most cases this is the family doctor first.

This doctor can then refer the patient to other specialists for further examinations if there is a suspicion of certain diseases that may cause a burning sensation in the throat. There are a number of home remedies that can help with throat burning. In general, it is good to drink a lot so that the mucous membranes in the throat do not dry out and the symptoms get worse.

It is best for patients to drink about two litres a day. Herbal tea, e.g. chamomile or peppermint, soothes irritated mucous membranes and can relieve the burning sensation in the throat. Ginger tea with lemon also helps against throat burning due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

In case of an inflammation, the throat should be kept warm. It is best to wear a scarf or place a warm cherry pit cushion on the chest. Warm compresses with hot tea or warm potatoes around the neck are also a popular household remedy.

A burning sensation in the throat can also be caused by too dry heating air, especially in the cold season. Humidifiers help to keep the humidity high and thus improve the symptoms. Gargling with lukewarm water or a saltwater solution is a household remedy that can be used for throat burn.

The salt water solution can easily be made by yourself. To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and gargle with it. Inhaling with hot water or herbal tea moistens the mucous membrane in the throat. It is best to use sage or chamomile tea and inhale for 15 minutes under a cloth. This topic might also be of interest to you: Gargle with saltwater- that’s the way to do it!