What to do in Case of Middle Ear Infection?

A middle ear infection itself is not contagious. However, the common cold, which usually precedes it, is contagious. Whether these germs cause only a cough and cold in the infected child or then again a middle ear infection varies from individual to individual. What can be done against a middle ear infection? Can antibiotics help? If your child has an earache, you should take him or her to the doctor. He or she can perform a simple otoscopy to determine whether a middle ear infection and a tympanic effusion are present.

What helps with a middle ear infection?

Ask the doctor if your child needs to stay away from kindergarten or school. Swimming should be avoided for a few weeks. If middle ear infections recur, chlorinated water should be avoided. Usually, the doctor will examine the ear again after a month to rule out permanent disorders.

From flying during an acute middle ear infection is not recommended. The mucous membranes and the connecting passage between the nasopharynx are swollen, making the pressure balance is no longer possible. This leads to severe pain, in the worst case to hearing loss and permanent impairment.

Home remedies and homeopathy for middle ear infections.

As with any febrile infection, your child should take it easy and drink enough when he or she has a middle ear infection. Water, diluted fruit and vegetable juices and herbal or even cold teas are suitable. As a home remedy for otitis media, especially the onion has proven itself; but other measures from homeopathy and home remedies are also used.

  • Medicinal plants and compresses: warm ear compresses have an amazing effect against a middle ear infection in many children. If you don’t mind the smell, onion sachets are particularly effective against the pain and inflammation, otherwise chamomile is an alternative. Even just a hot water bottle relieves the pain.
  • Homeopathy: For otitis media with acute onset with high fever may help Aconitum or alternatively Belladonna. With less violent onset, may be Pulsatilla the remedy of choice.
  • In the pharmacy, combination preparations (for example, Otovowen) are also available, which stimulate the immune system and help against the inflammation, pain and mucus.