What to do? | Toothache with a cold

What to do?

If the cause of the toothache is a cold and not a direct disease of the tooth, the dentist will not do anything about a healthy tooth. However, in most cases the tooth is already a little bit damaged, so that completely healthy teeth seldom hurt only because of a cold. However, it is important that the cold passes and with it probably also the toothache.

In the first instance, an appointment with your family doctor should be arranged, of course, who will examine the symptoms and can prescribe medication for healing. You should drink a lot of fluids, preferably teas, so that the mucus can dissolve. Ginger tea is particularly suitable because, freshly prepared, it strengthens the immune system.

A hot bath with essential oils helps to relax.Stress should be avoided as it unnecessarily weakens the body and prolongs the duration of the cold. A lot of rest, fresh air and short walks help the body to recover. In addition, taking zinc strengthens the immune system and protects the mucous membranes.

Even though one should make sure that the body is always kept warm, dry heating air is not suitable for the recovery of the mucous membranes. If the cold is over, but the teeth still hurt, there is a direct dental problem, which can have caries as one of the causes. In this case, an appointment at the dentist is the right decision.

Treatment of toothache with a cold

In most cases a cold is harmless for a healthy person. But since symptoms such as coughing, rhinitis, hoarseness and also toothache are often very annoying, they can be treated.

  • Steam inhalations are helpful in case of a cold.

    This loosens the secretion and the mucous membranes swell. This also improves the toothache.

  • In addition, drugs (e.g. ACC, Gelomyrtol ®) can be taken to improve mucus dissolution.
  • Ibuprofen, for example, is suitable for treating pain, as it is also effective against fever and inflammation. It is therefore useful for both toothache and colds.

Depending on the type of pain, a different homeopathic remedy must be chosen.

Aconitum C 30 and Belladonna C 30 help with pulsating pain, which often occurs during a cold, but Arnica C 30 is also recommended during a cold, especially if you feel tired and flabby. You should take 5 globules in the morning, at noon and in the evening. If the pain spreads to the head and jaw area, Hypericum is the remedy of choice.

Here of one also takes 3 times 5 globules. In the case of inflammation in the throat and pharynx area, the pathogens can be transferred to the gums. If the pain comes from the inflamed periodontium, Mercurius solubilis is used.

There are many household remedies for colds and toothaches. They facilitate the healing process and make the pain seem more bearable. Home remedies against a cold range from rinsing the nose with salt water to drinking camomile, ginger or sage tea.

Honey fights bacteria in the mouth and throat area. Some household remedies can also be found against toothache. It is often advised to cool the painful area when having a toothache, but this does not seem very useful during a cold, as one should keep warm all the time.

Warmth is not advisable, however, for toothache caused by caries, so a healthy average should be determined during this phase of the disease. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with chamomile or sage tea, or prepared in a more concentrated form, to dab it on the affected area with a cotton swab. These teas also have a positive effect on the healing process of the common cold.

Cloves can also be used in the form of a tincture or for chewing. However, pregnancy is an exception, as cloves have a contraction-inducing effect. The onion found in every kitchen can be chopped into small pieces, wrapped in a cloth and held to the painful spot.

A positive side effect is the healing effect on possible earaches. Savoy cabbage leaves are also a well-known remedy of choice. Steam inhalations have a very good effect on toothache caused by a cold.

Inhalation loosens the secretion in the sinuses and helps the mucous membrane to swell. One can breathe more freely and the toothache becomes less. Essential oils or cold balsam, which you can simply dissolve in water that is no longer boiling, are also particularly suitable for this purpose.

Special caution is necessary, so that one does not scalding oneself. Ready-made inhalation sets from the pharmacy also alleviate the symptoms. These are especially suitable for children.

On the one hand, typical painkillers such as ibuprofen, aspirin or paracetamol help. Ibuprofen has the advantage that it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. This means that any inflammation of the nose or throat can also be combated.

With medicines, which eliminate the cold, one can fight the cause of the tooth pain. Mucolytic agents such as Sinupret, GeloMyrtol or decongestant nasal drops help against blocked sinuses. Nasal rinses are used to flush out nasal secretions.It is important to air and moisten the nose during a cold, otherwise the body cannot fight the bacteria. Aromatic steam baths are then helpful. Antibacterial mouth rinses with chlorhexidine components help against the bacteria in the mouth, for example in case of sore throats.