What viral infections are there in the eye? | Eye infections

What viral infections are there in the eye?

Viruses can cause various infections of the eyes. One of the most common infections is the so-called conjunctivitis, the inflammation of the conjunctiva. It leads to reddening of the eye, which can be accompanied by pain and a foreign body sensation.

The most common pathogens are Adeno, Herpes Simplex or Varicella Zoster viruses. Other pathogens are the influenza and measles viruses. Furthermore, keratitis, i.e. inflammation of the cornea, can be caused.

An inflammation of the cornea can lead to severe pain and blurred vision. The triggering viruses are adeno, herpes simplex and varicella zoster viruses. Another infection of the eye is inflammation of the choroid (so-called uveitis).

It describes a redness and light sensitivity of the eye. Pain and increased tear secretion can also occur. The herpes zoster virus, herpes simplex virus and the cytomegalovirus are the main pathogens.

When do I need antibiotics?

First, one should know which pathogen is involved – i.e. whether the infection is bacterial or viral. If the infection is viral, antibiotics are useless and should be avoided. If conjunctivitis or corneal inflammation is present, a smear can be taken, which is then examined microbiologically.

After this examination the bacterium can be identified and effective antibiotics can be administered. However, since conjunctivitis heals spontaneously within a few days, one waits first. If there is no improvement, antibiotic eye drops can be prescribed.

In the case of a bacterial corneal inflammation, one usually does not wait to administer antibiotics, since this inflammation is accompanied by severe pain and the cornea can be damaged. If there is a bacterial inflammation of the choroid, antibiotics are also needed. You can find more information on this topic under Antibiotic eye drops. A popular antibiotic for infections of the eye is the Dexa- Gentamicin eye ointment.

The home remedies

For conjunctivitis, herbal remedies such as turmeric or eyebright can be used. Oak bark and fennel can also be used. Black tea compresses also have a cooling effect and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Eyebright can also be used for corneal inflammation. Household remedies should not be used without prior consultation – an ophthalmologist should carry out the examination beforehand and inform and advise you about possible therapies.


Homeopathy should not be used as the only treatment for a viral infection, as there is not enough evidence of its efficacy. Rather, it can be used in addition to other therapeutic measures. Homeopathic remedies that can be used for conjunctivitis are Apis mellifica, Belladonna or sulphur. For keratitis, remedies containing eyebright can be used. Retinitis can be treated with Euphrasia officinalis, Mercurius corrosivus or Rhus toxicodendron.

The salts

Also in this case, salts should not be used as the only therapy, because there is too little evidence about the efficacy. If desired, the salts can be taken as a supporting therapy. The therapy, which the doctor has ordered, should be continued in any case.

If conjunctivitis is present, Salt No. 4 (Potassium chloratum), No. 6 (Potassium sulfuricum) and No.

7 (Manganum sulfuricum) can be used. For corneal inflammation, Salt No. 15 (Potassium iodatum) is recommended.