When and how do I take Antra®? | Antra®

When and how do I take Antra®?

Since Antra® is not yet contained in its effective form in the capsule, it must first be absorbed into the body in the intestine before it can reach the stomach via the bloodstream. There it is activated in the stomach mucosa and can only now develop its effect. Therefore, it cannot act in the stomach immediately after ingestion, but must first take a detour via the bloodstream. For this reason, Antra® must be taken with a glass of water about half an hour to an hour before a meal so that it can reach the stomach by the time you eat and can take effect when you start eating. Taking it with meals is very sensible because the highest production of gastric acid takes place during meals and this is where the production of gastric acid can be reduced most effectively.

How much and how long do I take Antra®?

The amount and duration of taking Antra® varies depending on the reason why you are taking it. By default, you take 20mg of Antra® 1X a day. This is sufficient to achieve a sufficient inhibition of acid production.

In the case of stomach or duodenal ulcers, this dose is usually taken over 4 or 8 weeks until the symptoms subside. However, patients who are prone to recurring complaints can also take this dose for months or years to prevent recurrence. Patients who are taking medication that promotes the development of ulcers should also take a proton pump inhibitor permanently as prophylaxis.

These include, for example, the permanent use of cortisone or pain or inflammation relieving drugs such as diclofenac or ibuprofen and the ASA (=acetylsalicylic acid) which is also used to thin the blood. In the treatment of gastric mucosa inflammation caused by the germ Helicobacter pylori, a 10-day intake in combination with antibiotics is sufficient to achieve a cure. If the dose of the morning intake is not sufficient, a second intake in the evening can be taken.

However, this does not prolong the duration of action of Antra®, but the pH value in the stomach is only raised further, i.e. even more acid production is prevented. Which dose is the right one for the individual patient should always be discussed with a doctor. On your own initiative, the preparation should not be taken for more than 2 weeks, even if it is available without a prescription in a pharmacy. First improvements of the symptoms are not seldom observed after taking one capsule, but until full effectiveness is achieved, it is necessary to take it for several days.

Side effects

Very common are effects on the gastrointestinal tract, because the digestion of food is changed by the fact that the beginning of digestion in the stomach cannot take place as usual. Here, various effects can be noticed, ranging from constipation to diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting as well as flatulence. Metabolism in the liver can change the liver values, which are determined as standard during blood sampling.

However, these values will in most cases decrease again after the end of the therapy and only in extremely rare cases an inflammation of the liver (=hepatitis) can occur. Occasionally, symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, tiredness or sleep disturbances may still occur. However, these symptoms usually improve in the course of therapy and should not lead to an immediate discontinuation of taking the medication.

Permanent intake is currently being discussed with a higher risk of osteoporosis, in which an increased rate of hip or vertebral body fractures is suspected. Visual and hearing disorders are extremely rare and usually only occur directly into the blood vessels after treatment, i.e. not as a tablet, as part of hospital treatment. If affected persons notice these side effects per se, the treating physician should be informed.