When do I have to go to the dentist? | Thick cheek

When do I have to go to the dentist?

If the swelling of the cheek has not subsided after several days up to a maximum of one week and is accompanied by pain in the area of the wound, impaired general condition or fever, a dentist should be consulted immediately. In this case it is not a usual postoperative wound healing. Especially if no surgery has been performed, swelling accompanied by discomfort is always a sign of inflammation or bacterial infection. In such cases, the dentist can find out the cause of the ‘thick cheek‘ and treat it.


The time frame of an abscess disease cannot be clearly defined. Already the development can be variable. From a rapid development of the swelling to a slow manifestation of the disease everything is conceivable. With clear certainty, however, it can be said that abscesses develop more quickly in hot summer weather.