When does a quick test for STDs not make sense? | Quick test for venereal diseases

When does a quick test for STDs not make sense?

For symptoms that do not specifically match an STD, it does not make sense to perform a quick test. Rapid tests for STDs do not make sense for most diseases, as they are not very reliable. It is generally true that if a sexually transmitted disease is suspected, it is better to consult a doctor for a safe and reliable diagnosis.

Which venereal diseases can be tested?

Rapid tests for many different diseases are available on the Internet. These include syphilis, chlamydia and tripper. However, most of these tests have been found to be unreliable. The only officially approved rapid test is the rapid test for HIV. This test has been on the market since autumn 2018.

Can I buy a rapid test over the counter at the pharmacy?

The rapid test for HIV can be purchased over the counter at pharmacies, and some manufacturers’ tests can also be purchased in drugstores or online. It should be made sure that the tests have a CE mark. A list of reliable self-tests can be found on the website of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute for infectious diseases.

Can this be done at home or can it only be done by a doctor?

The HIV rapid test can be performed at home. If the test shows a positive result, a new test should always be carried out by a doctor or the public health department. At the public health department, the test can also be performed anonymously.

Implementation of the HIV rapid test

The HIV self-test detects antibodies against the HI virus. Of course, the exact procedure differs a little from one manufacturer to another. Detailed information on how to perform the test should be taken from the instructions.

In principle, the antibody concentration is not high enough for the test to be positive until 12 weeks after the suspected infection. Earlier performance is therefore not reliable. In general, hands should be washed thoroughly before performing the test.

Then the finger should be gently massaged for about 5-10 seconds to ensure good blood circulation.The next step is to make a small incision on the finger with the lancet and apply the blood to the sample field. If the amount of blood is not sufficient, the finger can be squeezed slightly. Then the blood is mixed with the test solution, either by adding the test solution to the blood or vice versa. Depending on the manufacturer, the result can be read after only one minute. With other manufacturers it can also take up to 15 minutes before a result appears.