When does the health insurance company cover the costs? | GyneFix® copper chain

When does the health insurance company cover the costs?

A cost absorption of the copper chain by the health insurance with most service providers only in exceptional cases. For example, some health insurance companies cover the costs of contraceptives for young women up to the age of 20 and thus also for a Gynefix®. Health insurance companies also offer partial coverage for women who cannot use other contraceptives due to hormone intolerance.

Which doctor uses the copper chain?

A copper chain is implanted by the gynecologist (gynecologist). Since GyneFix® is a special model of a copper chain, it can only be used by specially trained gynecologists. There is a list of doctors on the Internet who are qualified to insert a GyneFix®.

During a preliminary consultation, the doctor will explain to the patient the various options for contraception. After all questions have been answered and the advantages and disadvantages of a Gynefix® have been explained, the procedure can be performed directly in the practice. The check-up every six months, during which the correct position of the gynefix is checked, can be carried out by any gynaecologist and does not require a specially trained doctor.

What side effects can occur?

A GyneFix® can cause various side effects. Among the most common are complaints after implantation: In rare cases, the anchoring of the copper chain may become loose and the chain may be ejected. Implantation of GyneFix® in the uterus is an invasive procedure that involves certain risks, although the probability of this happening is very low.

For example, when the Gynefix is anchored in the uterus, a perforation, i.e. a piercing of the uterine wall, may occur. There is also a certain risk of the copper chain becoming infected after implantation and causing inflammation. However, this risk is very low at 0.54%.

However, most women tolerate a GyneFix® very well and have no complaints after the initial implantation pain.

  • Cramp-like pain,
  • Occasional spotting and
  • A stronger and/or longer menstrual period.

In the first days after implantation of a GyneFix®, most women experience slight spotting. This is quite normal and nothing to worry about.In order not to aggravate the bleeding, one should avoid hot baths or hot-water bottles in the first days after implantation, as these measures further promote the blood circulation in the uterus.

In addition, women should not have sexual intercourse or insert tampons into the vagina within the first week. Normally, the spotting usually subsides and disappears after a few days. The implantation of a copper chain carries the risk of certain complications.

These include inflammation of the uterus or fallopian tubes. By introducing instruments and foreign bodies into the uterus, bacteria can enter the body and lead to infection. Pelvic inflammation causes severe abdominal pain, fever and purulent discharge in the women affected.

In addition, sexual intercourse is perceived as painful and extremely unpleasant. If an inflammation is suspected, the affected women should consult their doctor immediately. Usually the infection can be treated very quickly and easily with antibiotics.