When should a doctor be consulted? | Nasal furuncle

When should a doctor be consulted?

Nasal furuncle is a disease of the skin that should be treated by a doctor. Especially if the furuncle causes strong pain, spreads or has been existing for a long time, a visit to a doctor is inevitable. Thus, especially with a boil on the face like a nose boil, one should not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Although a boil can recede even without medical care, it is advisable, especially in the face, to carry out a pathogen detection and to initiate a therapy discussed with the doctor. Since the pathogen detection as well as the prescription of the correct medication can only be carried out by a physician, it is not advisable to wait too long until a physician is consulted. If the typical symptoms of a nasal furuncle occur, a visit to a doctor should therefore take place on the same day, at the latest the following day. This prevents the disease from worsening and complications from occurring. At the same time, the attending physician may be able to find the reasons why boils occur more frequently, so that a causal therapy can be started in addition to the therapy against the boils.


Everywhere on the body where there is hair, inflammation of the hair follicle can occur. A variety of pathogens can be held responsible for the development of the inflammation. In most cases it is the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, which is also found on the skin of healthy persons.

Other pathogens such as fungi and viruses can also lead to the development of nasal furuncle in some cases. The pathogens multiply in the area surrounding the hair root and cause the inflammation. The immune cells of the body, which are supposed to fight the disease in the affected area, collect in the inflammation and are perceived as pus.

Some people suffer from a tendency to develop boils, while others are spared. The causes for this are manifold. On the one hand, it is assumed that a certain predisposition to the development of a furuncle can lead to the fact that certain people suffer from the inflammation more often than others.

In addition, certain diseases can lead to the fact that the boils appear more easily. For example, boils on the nose or other parts of the body are more frequently observed in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus or acne. Even if the affected person is often plagued by herpes viruses, these may be responsible for the development of nasal furuncles.The individual nature of the skin can also favour a frequent occurrence of the inflammation.

Thus, a moist, oily skin environment creates a climate that is ideal for the reproduction of the pathogens responsible for the boils. The removal of hair in the nose area is another frequently underestimated cause of the increased occurrence of inflammatory reactions. By pulling out the hair at the nose entrance, not only the hair but also the hair root is removed.

This results in microscopic wounds, which act as an entry port for the pathogen causing the inflammation. These then multiply in the wound and the infection is followed by the formation of pus. Taking certain drugs can also promote the development of nasal furuncle. These include drugs that weaken the immune system, such as cortisone.