When should I not treat my stomach flu with home remedies? | Home remedy for a stomach flu

When should I not treat my stomach flu with home remedies?

With the gastro-intestinal flu, the individual’s own state of health must be assessed. A conventional gastrointestinal flu subsides by itself after 3-5 days. During this time vomiting and diarrhoea can occur, but the circulation should remain permanently stable.

Even if it is difficult, small amounts of liquid and solid food should be given continuously during the flu. Otherwise a circulatory collapse can occur. In case of weakness, uncontrollable water loss or extreme pain, the gastro-intestinal flu should never be treated with home remedies on your own.

Even if the symptoms last longer than 5 days, a doctor should be consulted. In these cases, one’s own common sense must be applied in time to determine that self-treatment is not sufficient. In the meantime, vomiting and diarrhoea may occur, but the circulation should remain stable.

Even if it is difficult, small amounts of liquid and solid food should be given continuously during the flu.Otherwise a circulatory collapse can occur. In case of weakness attacks, uncontrollable water loss or extreme pain, the gastro-enteritis must under no circumstances be treated with home remedies on your own. Even if the symptoms last longer than 5 days, a doctor should be consulted. In these cases, one’s own common sense must be applied in time to determine that self-treatment is not sufficient.