Where can I find good recipes for anabolic diets? | Anabolic Diet

Where can I find good recipes for anabolic diets?

The anabolic diet is one of the favourites of the diet, especially in weight training circles. Less in classic women’s magazines, but more often in fitness blogs and forums, users exchange nutrition plans, side effects and recipe ideas. The Internet is therefore the most accessible source for instructions and recipes.

There are also books on the subject of anabolic diets. Recipes can be easily adapted by reducing their carbohydrate content, for example by replacing the side dishes. You can also find many ideas under the keyword Low Carb or No Carb.

What are the costs of anabolic diets?

In the anabolic diet, the daily energy requirement is mainly covered by protein-containing foods such as eggs, meat and fish. Those who choose high-quality or regional products will notice increased expenditure on nutrition at this point. On the other hand, however, a large number of products are avoided, including sweets, sweet and alcoholic drinks or fast food. Additional expenditure is incurred if the need for vitamins and trace elements cannot be covered by the dietary plan. Here, food supplements must be purchased to prevent nutrient deficiencies.

Medical evaluation of the diet

From a medical point of view, the anabolic diet is an effective but extreme form of nutrition. Strength athletes who are working towards a specific goal or preparing for athletic competitions will find an effective measure to reduce their body fat percentage if carried out correctly. The intake of essential nutrients such as vitamins should be closely monitored, fibre and trace elements, and if necessary, dietary supplements should be taken to prevent nutrient deficiency.

People who see themselves more as health athletes and do little or no strength training should refrain from anabolic diets. Especially those who want to lose weight in the long term should resort to a healthy, balanced and practical diet. Combined with exercise in everyday life and sporting activities in the form of strength and endurance training, lasting success is achieved, which is not only associated with weight loss and a well-shaped, efficient body, but also has a positive effect on blood values, the cardiovascular system and numerous other body systems.

What alternative diets are there to the anabolic diet?

In principle, the anabolic phase of the diet corresponds to an extreme low carb diet. It is well known that a calorie deficit with a high protein intake and sufficient fat intake causes the pounds to drop without losing too much muscle mass. A sufficient protein intake should therefore be achieved with every diet.

However, anyone who cannot do without carbohydrates or suffers severe limitations in physical and mental performance when doing without should resort to another method of losing weight. The decisive factor in all measures is the calorie deficit. In the context of mixed diets such as If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) or Weight Watchers, all foods are allowed, provided a deficit is achieved.

In general, these flexible diets are best suited for the long term. A balanced diet that includes all essential nutrients can lead to healthy, controlled weight loss without causing nutrient deficiency and deficiency symptoms. For this reason, radical measures such as mono-diets should be avoided. A healthy diet in combination with exercise and sporting activity in the form of weight training and fitness training enables a healthy, active life with high physical and mental fitness up to an advanced age. This could also be interesting for you: 5-Elements-Diet