Where does the pain occur? | Pain in the buttocks (butt cheeks)

Where does the pain occur?

Pain in the outer buttock is often a sore muscle caused by frequent lateral spreading of the leg. However, there may also be an inflammation of the bursa on the lateral thigh. This is called bursitis trochanterica. It is caused by overloading and requires that the affected leg be spared. Sport, such as jogging, should be avoided for some time, then the pain usually subsides by itself.


Since the causes of pain in the buttocks can be manifold, a doctor should be consulted urgently in case of a long-lasting problem and the reason for the complaints should be clarified. The first and most important step in the diagnosis of pain in the buttocks is a detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). During this conversation, the affected patient should describe as precisely as possible where the pain in the buttocks occurs and when it was first noticed.

The quality of the pain (stabbing, dull, burning) can also give a first indication of the causative illness. This doctor-patient consultation is followed by a physical examination. The attending physician will first examine the gluteal region and the spinal column.

Afterwards, various tests will be carried out which can make possible movement restrictions comprehensible and/or provoke the pain. In addition, the pelvis and knee joints will be inspected and examined for irregularities. Also the relation of the two legs to each other should be compared during the physical examination and thus a leg length difference should be excluded.

In this way, the possible causes of pain in the buttocks can be further limited. If the findings are unclear, i.e. in cases where no clear diagnosis can be made even after the physical examination, further steps may be useful. In some cases, imaging, such as an X-ray or a CT scan, is requested.


In case of acute pain in the bottom, painkillers can be taken first. Especially those painkillers that contain the active ingredients paracetamol or ibuprofen can help the affected patient in case of acute pain.If the pain in the buttocks is due to an inflammatory cause, taking ibuprofen is the better choice. The reason for this is that ibuprofen, unlike paracetamol, also has anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, the application of cold by placing a cooling pad or applying an ointment can lead to pain relief. However, care must be taken that the cooling should not be applied directly to the unprotected skin. Strains of the buttock muscles, on the other hand, can be treated by applying heat ointments and plasters.

In addition, a patient with acute pain in the buttocks should refrain from heavy physical exertion for the time being and take it easy. The correct treatment of pain in the buttocks is highly dependent on the underlying disease. Many of the causes responsible for pain in the buttocks are treated with physiotherapy.

In this way, a compensatory muscle build-up and relief of the painful body region can be achieved. Tensions can be relieved by medical massages. In the case of a leg or pelvic malposition, the length of the leg should be compensated by making special insoles.

If there is a deep herniated disc in the lumbar spine at the level of the lumbar spine, orthopedic treatment is usually initiated. If the only symptoms are pain in the buttocks and back area, a purely conservative therapy is usually applied. The patients concerned are primarily encouraged to take physical rest and to take pain medication. If the conservative treatment does not result in an improvement of the symptoms and/or further symptoms such as muscle weakness, paralysis or sensory disturbances occur, surgical therapy should be considered.