Where does your pain occur? | Pain at the wrist

Where does your pain occur?

Diseases or injuries of the thumb can also be responsible for carpal pain. The most common reason for carpal pain caused by the thumb is arthrosis in the thumb saddle joint.Here the joint between the large polygon bone and the first metacarpal bone, which belongs to the thumb, is affected. It is a painful disease of the joint, which is mostly due to age-related wear and tear.

However, falls that lead to a malposition or incorrect, one-sided loading can also lead to this clinical picture. This is known as rhizarthrosis and is the most common wrist arthrosis in Germany. Women are affected significantly more often than men.

Another cause that can cause complaints is, for example, a so-called SMS thumb, in which the muscles and vision of the thumb are irritated due to overstrain. Such overstrain can cause complaints that are very difficult to localize and are interpreted as complaints of the wrist. Fractures, such as the so-called Bennett fracture, which affects the connection of the thumb with the carpal, can also cause severe complaints of the carpal.

Finally, diseases and injuries of the ligaments around the thumb can also cause severe pain, which is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as bruising and swelling. Pain in the carpal tunnel syndrome can also cause pain in the carpal area on the side of the thumb. Here, the nerve that supplies part of the hand muscles and the skin there is compressed in the area of the wrist and can lead to pain or numbness.

Complaints of the back of the hand can have different causes. In most cases, however, the wrist is not the primary cause of back pain. Many tendons of the muscles run along the back of the hand, which are essential for the movement of the fingers.

An inflammation of the tendons or tendon sheaths can cause pain as well as redness and swelling on the back of the hand. Even if the tendons are injured, they often cause pain in the back of the hand. Furthermore, arthrosis in the metacarpophalangeal joints of the fingers is a common reason for complaints on the back of the hand.

Also nerve disorders like the so-called Cheiralgia paraesthetica, also known as Wartenberg syndrome, cause pain in the back of the hand. Cysts can also develop on the back of the hand, which are known as ganglions. This space under the skin filled with fluid can cause severe pain in the back of the hand.