Which alternative therapy can still help? | Home remedy against high blood pressure

Which alternative therapy can still help?

One of the most effective measures against high blood pressure is exercise. Moderate exercise is recommended. Ideally, this should be done regularly, i.e. several times a week, in the fresh air.

An important factor that contributes to the development or progression of high blood pressure is stress. This includes both physical stress caused by excessive exertion, as well as psychological stress caused, for example, by a busy schedule.

Therefore, care should be taken to compensate for the reduction in stress. Various measures, such as regular yoga or autogenic training can also be helpful. Exercise in the fresh air is also crucial for stress reduction.

Which homeopathics can help me?

From homeopathy there are many remedies that can help with high blood pressure. Adonis vernalis has a reducing effect on blood pressure and is often recommended in cases of concomitant thyroid disease. It can also be used for diseases of the heart, such as cardiac arrhythmia.

It is recommended to be taken with potency D12. Allium sativum has a positive effect on the vessels. It also inhibits the development of arteriosclerosis and can be used in digestive disorders.

The intake depends on the type of complaints, chronic conditions can be treated with potency C30. Potassium phosphoricum is a very versatile homeopathic remedy. It has a stabilizing effect on the electrolyte balance of the body and can also be used for headaches and sleeping disorders. The dosage is recommended with the potencies D6 and D12.