Which doctor treats parotid gland diseases? | Parotid gland

Which doctor treats parotid gland diseases?

For diseases of the parotid gland, an ear, nose and throat doctor is usually responsible. An ENT physician deals with that part of medicine which is responsible for the majority of the head and neck area, excluding the brain.

Lymph nodes of the parotid gland

Lymph nodes in general are a kind of “filter station” for the lymph fluid within the lymph vessels. This fluid is located inside the lymph vessels and is the link between the tissue fluid and the blood. The lymph nodes of the parotid gland are also called parotid lymph nodes in medical terminology and are a group of lymph nodes in the human head.

Their location is limited to the parotid gland and its glandular tissue. The parotid lymph nodes receive lymph from the parotid gland, parts of the nose, the external auditory canal, the eyelids and the conjunctiva.