Which doctor will treat this? | Pain in the diaphragm

Which doctor will treat this?

In case of pain in the diaphragm, the family doctor should be visited first. In the course of a conversation, he or she can determine any accompanying symptoms and physically examine the person concerned and, if necessary, perform a blood test. Depending on the general practitioner’s assessment, referrals to various specialists may be made. If the cause of the disease in the organs of the upper abdomen is suspected, a referral to an internist, specialist for internal medicine, can be made, while a referral to a surgeon is indicated if a hernia is suspected. If the symptoms indicate a muscular cause, such as muscle tension, a visit to an orthopedist and physiotherapy are indicated.

How long does diaphragmatic pain last?

Basically, pain in the diaphragm can exist for different lengths of time. In the case of muscle tension and sore muscles, the pain usually subsides within days. An inflammation of the diaphragm can last a few weeks, depending on the underlying disease and accompanying symptoms. If it lasts longer than three weeks, the treating doctor should be consulted.A diaphragmatic hernia that causes pain often requires surgical repair. Accordingly, the pain at the diaphragm in a hernia should not last long.

What is the prognosis for diaphragmatic pain?

Muscular causes of diaphragmatic pain are usually harmless and have a very good prognosis. It is important to avoid poor posture and, if possible, physiotherapeutic exercises and hot baths. This can prevent the chronicity of the pain and a permanent relieving posture.

An inflammation of the diaphragm can be treated well with the right therapy, depending on the extent of the inflammation and accompanying complaints. In young patients the prognosis is normally very good. If the symptoms do not improve, a doctor should take a close look to prevent calcification in the tissue with chronicity of the symptoms.

In the worst case, breathing is permanently restricted by the remodelling processes. Diaphragmatic hernias are common conditions that are routinely treated by surgery. In order to avoid complications, treatment for a diaphragmatic hernia is urgently needed. The prognosis is usually good.