Which fruit helps best in a diet? | The fruit diet

Which fruit helps best in a diet?

It is important in a fruit diet that a balanced mixture of fruit is consumed, as not every fruit is equally suitable for weight loss. For example, the tasty banana is quite rich in calories. Therefore, the right mix is important and there is a wide selection of different types of fruit.

Stone fruit, pome fruit and citrus fruits are particularly suitable for weight loss as part of a fruit diet. Stone fruit includes nectarines, mirabelles, plums and cherries, while cherries have only 63 calories per 100g and plums even only 46 calories per 100g. Particularly popular is pome fruit, for example apples, pears and quinces, which have an average of 50 – 60 calories per 100g.

Citrus fruits like blood oranges. Mandarins and grapefruits are similarly low in calories and are particularly popular because of their stimulating effect on the metabolism. Berries like currants, blueberries or strawberries are a popular part of the fruit diet and other diets.

Side effects of diet

Some fruits contain certain sugars, namely fructose and sorbitol. When they are broken down, they can cause gases to be produced in the gastrointestinal tract, which are then perceived as flatulence. Many fruits also contain fiber.

Dietary fibers are difficult for the body to digest and can also lead to a bloated stomach. Examples of typical fruits that can cause an inflated stomach are apples, cherries, pears, pineapples, grapes, mango and especially dried fruits such as dates and raisins. Drinking plenty of water and eating the bloated fruit in small amounts can help reduce bloating.

Criticism of the diet

The fruit diet is one-sided and can lead to deficiency symptoms over a longer period of time despite the many vitamins. Such deficiency symptoms can range from concentration disorders to anaemia. Due to the one-sidedness, the diet is difficult for some people to keep up, especially if they like to eat hearty food. It is also important to pay attention to what kind of fruit is eaten, as fruit contains different amounts of calories. Fruit contains fructose and this can go directly to the hips just like industrial sugar.There are also fruits that cause an inflated stomach, which can lead to a less pleasant body sensation.