Which green diarrhea needs treatment? | Green diarrhea

Which green diarrhea needs treatment?

In general, older people, infants and people with a poor immune system are more at risk of getting diarrhea than healthy adults. Harmless diarrhea may require treatment in these patient groups, as they may suffer more quickly from dehydration (exsiccosis). A green diarrhea that lasts only a few days and does not cause any other symptoms does not necessarily require treatment.

Here a symptomatic therapy with plenty of fluids and a light diet is sufficient. If you suspect an infectious cause and the diarrhea is very painful, possibly with fever, vomiting or flu-like symptoms, you should seek medical attention. Especially if you have previously traveled to the tropics or subtropics.

If the diarrhea is greasy and green, you may have a bile acid loss syndrome. Since fatty stools can lead to weight loss and deficiency symptoms, these are also in need of treatment. If the diarrhea is green during antibiotic therapy, it can be treated with probiotics. If the diarrhea persists, becomes black or high fever is added, one should go to the doctor and let him clarify.

Green diarrhea in the baby

In the first one or two days after birth, the newborn baby excretes the so-called child-spittle or meconium. This is a sticky greenish-black mass consisting of amniotic fluid, mucus, bile acid and blood and is absolutely normal. It can take up to five days before the baby has excreted all the meconium.

The faster the meconium is excreted from the intestine, the better, as it reduces the likelihood of newborn jaundice.In bottle-fed children who are given hypoallergenic food, green stools may occur, but this is normal. If the baby is breastfed and develops green diarrhea, there is a possibility of infection. As with adults, both viruses and bacteria, such as salmonella, can cause diarrhoea.

This is often accompanied by fever and a feeling of illness. Since babies dry out particularly quickly, you have to be careful with diarrhoea. It is best to take the child to the pediatrician.

You have to be especially careful with babies who do not want to drink at all. Then you have to introduce the child to the doctor immediately. If the baby is already getting food, green vegetables can also discolor the stool. But this should disappear on its own.