Which home remedies can help? | How can gums be rebuilt?

Which home remedies can help?

At home you can of course do something for the health of your gums. First and foremost, good oral hygiene is a priority. For healthy gums, the use of dental floss or interdental brushes is essential, because plaque provokes inflammation and thus gum recession.

The toothbrush can also be used to massage the gums. The blood circulation is promoted, which contributes to the health preservation. Besides the right oral care, some home remedies promise antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

These include chamomile tea, for example, which is said to have a calming effect when gargling several times a day. Instead of gargling, the tea bag can also be left to rest for a few minutes on the inflamed area. The tannin, which is mainly found in black tea, is said to counteract inflammation.

Brewed ginger can also have an anti-inflammatory effect. As a household remedy against gum inflammation, gargling with diluted apple vinegar is also often mentioned. It should be remembered that the antibacterial effect is due to the acid contained in it.

If rinsed frequently, this acid attacks the hard tooth substance and thus contributes to the development of caries. This is therefore rather to be advised against. A massage with essential oils, such as tea tree or clove oil, is often recommended.

However, they can additionally irritate mucous membranes. With all these household remedies, however, one hopes only for an inflammation inhibition. Decreased gums can no longer be built up.

Here an individual consultation with the dentist is more advisable. There are numerous toothpastes that should be specially adapted to the needs of the gums. Toothpastes such as parodontax® contain a mixture of herbal extracts that are supposed to help keep the gums healthy.

Here you can read in conventional drugstores or pharmacies and accept individual recommendations from your dentist. Basically, the most important thing is to get along with your toothpaste and brush your teeth three times a day. If you keep your teeth free of plaque, your gums will also stay healthy (apart from special disease-related gum diseases).