Which home remedies can help me? | Homeopathy for an analthrombosis

Which home remedies can help me?

There are various home remedies that can help with an anticonvulsant thrombosis. These include, for example, chamomile extract, which can be introduced locally as a suppository into the anus after a bowel movement. There, the ingredients of the camomile extract have an inhibiting effect on existing inflammatory processes and at the same time regenerate the tissue.

Another household remedy that is frequently used is horse chestnut. This can be applied in the form of an ointment directly to the area of the analthrombosis after appropriate cleansing. The ingredients of the horse chestnut have a soothing effect on the swelling and the over-irritated and tense skin of the knot.

A sitz bath can also alleviate the symptoms of analthrombosis if used regularly. For this purpose, the water should not exceed 36°C, as the heat could otherwise lead to excessive blood circulation, which in turn could intensify the analthrombosis. In general, sitz baths promote the regeneration of the analthrombosis and have a pain-reducing effect.