Which home remedies can help me? | Homeopathy to treat rheumatism

Which home remedies can help me?

There are various home remedies that can help with rheumatism. For example incense belongs to it, which can be acquired as finished preparation in the pharmacy. The essential oils contained in it have a reducing effect on the pain, as well as the signs of the inflammatory process and therefore also have a soothing effect on swellings.

Since the incense preparations have some side effects, regular use should be discussed with a doctor. Frankincense can also be used for digestive tract disorders. Another household remedy that is used for rheumatism is rosemary.

In this case it is recommended to use it in the form of an oil which can be applied locally to the affected painful joints. The oil promotes the blood circulation in the corresponding areas and has a relaxing effect on muscle cramps. Pain can thus be relieved.

However, rosemary oil should not be used for heart diseases or fever. Rosemary oil can also be used for digestive problems. You can find more home remedies in our article: Household remedies against rheumatism