Which home remedies can help? | Slipflider

Which home remedies can help?

In the case of drooping eyelids, household remedies similar to those used for wrinkles are usually used, since the mechanism behind these complaints is usually due to a diminishing hold of the connective tissue. Especially skin care creams that provide a lot of moisture can therefore be used well. To counteract the visual field restrictions caused by drooping eyelids, plaster strips and tapes can also be used. These are stuck to the lower part of the eyelid as well as above the eyelid, which raises the upper lid slightly.

What can be expected from laser therapy?

Laser treatment of drooping eyelids is a relatively new method of treating drooping eyelids. The original scalpel is replaced by a laser scalpel. The initial technique used was that the incision previously made with a scalpel on the eyelid is now performed by laser technology.

The great advantage of this is the increased precision through computer modelling. In most cases, the excess tissue was then removed from the eyelid by surgery. In the meantime, however, this step can also be replaced by the laser scalpel, so that the tissue removal can also be carried out using laser therapy.

Here, too, the laser can ablate much thinner layers than the conventional hand-held scalpel, so that more precise operations on the eyelid are possible. The disadvantage of laser therapy is often the higher costs. The operating doctors and clinics have to purchase the laser devices, which are usually much more expensive than individual scalpels.However, with increasing innovation in the field, laser technology will probably become somewhat cheaper in the future.

What are tapes good against drooping eyelids?

Tapes and plaster strips are also popular aids for slipping eyelids. With the help of the adhesive strips, the eyelid is gathered so that it no longer hangs down. This primarily results in an improvement of the visual field, since the drooping eyelid no longer hangs down so much in front of the eye.

However, a permanent therapy of the drooping eyelids is not possible with tapes. Instead, the adhesive strips must be renewed regularly. The cosmetic result is also usually not completely satisfactory with the tape strips. For this reason, tapes against drooping eyelids are often considered a temporary solution, especially for younger patients, before deciding on a permanent therapy. However, if you suffer from the functional limitations of the drooping eyelids and want to avoid surgery, you can usually work with the anti-slip eyelid tapes for a long period of time.