Which medications help with psychogenic dizziness? | Medicines for dizziness

Which medications help with psychogenic dizziness?

In the case of psychogenic dizziness, which is often referred to as anxiety vertigo or phobic dizziness, drug therapy is usually not effective. The affected persons mostly suffer from fears or phobias that lead to the development of dizziness symptoms. A large number of those affected also suffer from other mental illnesses such as depression.

The therapeutic approach is therefore not so much the administration of medication as psychotherapy. In particular, behavioral therapy is preferred for people with psychogenic vertigo. The drugs that are administered to support the patient are then not so much remedies that help against dizziness as preparations that have an anxiety-relieving or antidepressant effect.

Homeopathy for dizziness

There are numerous preparations from the homeopathic field which are said to have a soothing effect on dizziness of various origins. These include the homeopathic remedies Vertigoheel®, Traumea® or Vertigopas®. Vertigoheel®, for example, contains the herbal active ingredients gray ambergris, coccus granules and stone oil, which are said to reduce the symptoms of dizziness.

As with the other drugs used to treat dizziness, the cause cannot be eliminated. However, there are no clear studies on most of the drugs or their effectiveness. The use of homeopathic remedies is therefore often a controversial topic, both among doctors and among those affected.

Vertigoheel® contains various so-called natural ingredients, including gray ambergris, coccus, hemlock and stone oil. It is supposed to reduce the dizziness symptoms and, according to the manufacturer, can be used for dizziness of various causes. Besides dizziness, it is also said to have a positive influence on nausea.

Again, the preparation cannot eliminate the cause, but only alleviate the dizziness symptoms. Vertigoheel® is available both in tablet and drop form and can be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies. Ginkgo is a plant that originated in China.

For many years it has also been known in Germany as a medicinal plant. There are numerous diseases and complaints with which Ginkgo is said to have a soothing effect. So also with the vertigo.

In contrast to other drugs, which often have a sedative or calming side effect, the Ginkgo is attributed only a low potential for side effects. It is particularly popular in alternative medicine and there are numerous studies on its effectiveness. Unfortunately, however, the study situation is still not clear and the data from the analyses are sometimes contradictory.

Ginkgo preparations are available in pharmacies, and there is a wide range of products from various manufacturers that are supposed to help against dizziness. Traumea® also belongs to the group of natural or herbal-based drugs. It contains Anamirta cocculus (yellow jasmine) and Gelsemium sempervirens (false myrtle).

According to the manufacturer, the dual active ingredient can be used against various types of vertigo. As with the other herbal and homeopathic medicines, there is no clear evidence of efficacy. An income particularly with concerning, which suffer still from other basic illnesses, should take place always in consultation with the treating physician.