Which metabolic type am I?

Definition – What is a metabolic type?

For approximately fifty years there are nourishing beginnings and Di?tempfehlungen, which divide humans into different metabolic types. The theory of the metabolic types says that all humans have different energy metabolism. This means that everyone has an individual need for carbohydrates, protein and fat. According to this principle, generally valid nutritional recommendations and diets that neglect the personal metabolic type are useless for muscle building or weight loss attempts. If you know your metabolic type, you can effectively use this knowledge to lose weight, build up muscles and stimulate your metabolism.

What metabolic types are there?

“Metbolic Typing” is the science of metabolic types. This theory states that every person has a different need for carbohydrates, protein and fats. People are divided into carbohydrate, protein and mixed types.

Knowing your metabolic type, you can support your immune system, reach or maintain your ideal weight, improve your athletic performance and maximize your physical energy with the help of the right diet. According to “Metabolic Typing”, the different metabolic types have characteristic features. Furthermore, according to William Sheldon, metabolic types can be divided into ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic body types. This theory creates a connection between body types and metabolic types. The endomorphic type has a slow metabolism and the ectomorphic type a very fast metabolism.

Protein type

This type of protein typically spontaneously prefers fatty and salty foods, often in the form of a craving for pizza, chips or nuts. If this type starts eating carbohydrate-containing foods, including sweets, it is difficult for them to stop. Often, the protein type does not feel immediately full and becomes hungry again between meals.

It is also characteristic that food has a great influence on the energy level of the protein type. Food can make you tired or nervous, especially foods with a high sugar content. It is therefore important for this metabolic type that the blood sugar level is kept constant.

This also prevents ravenous appetite attacks. It is sensible to avoid refined carbohydrates. These include sweets, soft drinks, white flour products such as white bread and noodles.

The metabolism of a protein type uses carbohydrates faster than other metabolic types and remains full for less time. That’s why you should switch to wholemeal products that are rich and provide satiety for longer. The protein type requires a diet low in carbohydrates but rich in fat and protein.

Vegetables that are low in carbohydrates are particularly suitable. These include, for example, zucchini, spinach, celery or cauliflower. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, peas and corn should only be eaten in moderation. The protein type should at best take 50% of the daily calories from proteins, 30% from fats and only 20% from carbohydrates.