Which Sport Suits Me?

Anyone starting a new sport should find out about the requirements in advance. Be it the right equipment, the physical requirements for it, the fun factor or the fitness factor. Everyone needs the sport that suits him and compensates for his everyday life. Ambitious people should choose slower sports like Nordic walking or swimming to relax. Other sports, such as badminton, tennis or beach volleyball, in turn, require a minimum level of fitness and are therefore not suitable for people who have been inactive for many years. Here are a few sports and the most important facts:

Beach volleyball

  • Suitable for whom? Not for couch potatoes and for sports beginners.
  • Fitness factor: Beach volleyball trains mainly strength, bounce and endurance.
  • Injury risk: Depends on the fitness level.
  • Fun factor: If you like action, athletics and socializing, this is the right place.


  • Suitable for whom? Can be played even with low fitness. Forward and backward movements are problematic for back patients.
  • Fitness factor: badminton mainly trains agility, endurance and reaction speed.
  • Risk of injury: In contrast to badminton low. However, be careful with the backward movement!
  • Fun factor: By all means a sociable game, provided that the players align themselves performance-wise.


  • Suitable for whom? Many bring previous knowledge from youth, soccer is therefore easy to learn.
  • Fitness factor: Football trains especially speed, endurance and agility.
  • Injury risk: ball sports with physical contact generally have a high risk of injury.
  • Fun factor: High sociability factor.


  • Suitable for whom? Anyone who is healthy can run. However, severe overweight goes on the joints.
  • Fitness factor: Jogging mainly trains endurance and thus the cardiovascular system.
  • Risk of injury: Low, provided that good footwear is used.
  • Fun factor: Can be really relaxing. Even more attractive when it takes place in charming nature.

Nordic Walking

  • Suitable for whom? Also suitable for beginners in the sport, but be sure to be instructed by a professional.
  • Fitness factor: Nordic Walking raiert mainly endurance, it is moved virtually all muscles.
  • Risk of injury: Extremely low, especially if poles and shoes are carefully selected.
  • Fun factor: Especially attractive in company and beautiful scenery.


  • Suitable for whom? You never forget it and the steady movements are easy on the joints.
  • Fitness factor: cycling mainly trains endurance and leg strength. The upper body muscles come a little too short.
  • Risk of injury: Extremely low, especially if you ride on bike paths.
  • Fun factor: On bike paths it is safer and usually nicer than on the road.


  • Suitable for whom. Ideal sport for overweight people and joint and back patients, because the body does not have to absorb shocks.
  • Fitness factor: swimming mainly trains endurance, virtually all muscles are in action. An intensive cardiovascular training.
  • Risk of injury: For amateur swimmers hardly any risk of injury. Occasional skin irritation due to chlorine and other water additives.
  • Fun factor: Really exciting, but lane swimming can be boring. Natural swimming pools are an alternative.


  • Suitable for whom? Requires a lot of balance and wants to be learned. Roller skating experience is advantageous.
  • Fitness factor: skating trains coordination, endurance and leg strength.
  • Injury risk: Relatively high risk of injury from falls. Absolutely wear protective clothing.
  • Fun factor: Can be done slowly and relaxing as well as athletic and fast.


  • Suitable for whom? Ideal for those who want to relax as well as exercise.
  • Fitness factor: Optimal effects for the cardiovascular system.
  • Risk of injury: Hardly any risk of injury. When walking downhill use poles.
  • Fun factor: Hiking goes as if by itself. A beautiful landscape does the rest.


  • Suitable for whom? Can be learned even at an advanced age. But best with a trainer.
  • Fitness factor: Tennis trains coordination, agility and endurance. Many muscles are in action.
  • Injury risk: Rises and falls with the fitness level and playing technique.
  • Fun factor: Varied. Ideal for competitive types.


  • Suitable for whom? Requires a good sense of balance. Beginners need a lot of practice and preferably guidance.
  • Fitness factor: Windsurfing trains strength, coordination and endurance. The back should be healthy and muscular.
  • Risk of injury: Relatively low, provided that you master the technique.
  • Fun factor: Can be done fast and dynamic as well as slow and relaxed.

Water Ski

  • Suitable for whom? Already requires a certain level of fitness, not suitable for the novice sportsman.
  • Fitness factor: water skiing mainly trains coordination and strength, as well as virtually all muscle groups.
  • Injury risk: beginners often feel muscle strains, otherwise low risk.
  • Fun factor: sport with a lot of action. Works with the cable car or motorboat.