White Spot Disease (Vitiligo): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Blood, hematopoietic organs – immune system (D50-D90).

  • Sarcoidosis of the skin – sarcoidosis is a granulomatous inflammation; the disease is considered an inflammatory multisystem disorder

Skin and subcutaneous (L00-L99).

  • Hypomelanosis guttata idiopathica (synonym: idiopathic hypomelanosis) – hypopigmentation likely caused by chronic UV exposure.
  • Nevus depigmentosus – congenital de- or hypopigmentation (leukoderm); etiology (cause): decreased number of functionally disturbed melanocytes.
  • Postinfectious hypopigmentation – hypopigmentation that may develop after infectious skin diseases such as pityriasis versicolor alba (Kleienpilzflechte with pigment loss in the epidermis; lat. alba = pale, white).
  • Postinflammatory hypopigmentation – hypopigmentation that may occur after healing of various skin diseases such as chronic eczema (inflammatory changes in the skin).

Neoplasms – tumor diseases (C00-D48).


  • Acquired progressive hypomelanosis


  • Toxic hypomelanosis – mainly hypopigmentation triggered by the following drugs:
    • Externals containing azelaic acid
    • Benzyl peroxide-containing externals
    • Hydroquinone derivatives (bleaching agents)
    • Externs containing kojic acid
    • Topical (local) steroids
    • Vitamin A derivatives