White stains on teeth after bleaching | White teeth through bleaching

White stains on teeth after bleaching

White spots on the teeth, so-called white spots, are either a sign that you received too much fluoride as a child or too little. In most cases, after the orthodontic treatment, the spots where the braces were previously placed are decalcified. Bleaching roughens the enamel and removes minerals from it.

The decalcified areas become even less mineral-rich than before, and thus appear even lighter. Since the enamel is not homogeneous, there are also decalcified spots in the tooth that were not lighter before. These appear immediately after bleaching.

The tooth becomes very dry during the bleaching treatment, so the white stains are particularly noticeable. After 24 hours the tooth should have recovered from the treatment, absorbed enough moisture and the white spots should have disappeared. Unfortunately, the result can never be predicted in general, so there is always a risk that these spots will still be visible after bleaching.