Why Can’t Cats Eat Dog Food and Vice Versa?

If dogs and cats nibble from each other’s bowls, this is not yet harmful. Seriously ill the animals only if a cat would be fed permanently on dog food and vice versa. The reason: cats need a very protein-rich food with sufficient taurine, since they cannot produce this amino acid themselves, unlike dogs. Dogs, on the other hand, cannot tolerate as much protein and need a diet with more carbohydrates, which means there is less taurine in the diet. Protein is found primarily in meat, fish and dairy products. Vegetables, on the other hand, are predominantly high in carbohydrates. Therefore, dog food should contain more vegetables, while for the cat, fish is a special and healthy treat.

Different needs

Dog food contains too much carbohydrates and too little meat for a cat. In the long run, it gives her bad eyes and a dull coat. Conversely, for dogs there is too much protein and too little carbohydrate in cat food, and as a result the dog is simply undersupplied with important nutrients. The consequences: Diarrhea and flatulence. In addition: Cat food is far too energy-rich for dogs and therefore makes them fat. It is best to separate the animals when eating, then they can also no longer exchange.