With Relaxation against Period Pain: for More Well-Being

About half of all women suffer from discomfort during their period, such as back pain or pain in the lower abdomen. Against these discomforts, one can act with simple home remedies, such as a hot water bottle. However, gentle exercise is often helpful as well. We have compiled five exercises for you that provide more well-being during the days.

Exercise 1

Supporting yourself on your hands and knees, hang your head and make a cat hump. Inhale and exhale calmly while doing this. Hold for two minutes.

Exercise 2

Then slowly stretch the head upward and let the spine sag downward. Hold this position for two minutes as well.

Exercise 3

In supine position, place the legs bent. Now lift the pelvis and slide a pillow underneath. Slowly lower the pelvis again. Neck, shoulders and arms are relaxed on the floor. Then stretch both legs upwards and hold them there. Remain in this position for several minutes, breathing deeply into the abdomen.

Exercise 4

Supine position. Pull the legs toward the upper body and clasp them with the arms. Slowly sway to the left and right, taking deep breaths in and out.

Exercise 5

In prone position, extend the right arm in line with the body and rest the head on the upper arm. Bend the left leg and bring the knee close to the body until you are lying comfortably. Remain in this position for a few minutes and continue breathing calmly and deeply. Stretch and lengthen extensively before standing up.