Wool Flower (Mullein)

Stem plant

Scrophulariaceae, common mullein, L. Scrophulariaceae, large-flowered mullein.

Medicinal drug

Verbasci flos, woolly mullein flowers. The dried flowers reduced to the corolla petals with stamens attached by L. Bertol. ( Schrad.).


Species pectorales PH


  • Iridoid glycosides
  • Phenylethanoid glycosides
  • Mucilages
  • Saponins
  • Flavonoids


  • Anti-irritant
  • Expectorant

Fields of application

Catarrh, acute bronchitis, cough, cold, sore throat.


As an infusion, daily dose 3-4 g

Adverse effects

None known.

Preparations on the market

Contained in some tea blends. Breast tea extract is present in numerous herbal candies, e.g., Ricola.