Wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid | Treatment of wrinkles

Wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid

Wrinkles are caused by the loss of elasticity and volume in the subcutaneous tissue and by the strain of facial expression or gravity. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in our skin and decreases with age. Hyaluronic acid consists of complicated sugar molecules and has the chemical property of binding large amounts of water.

It is responsible for making the skin look fresh and keeping it elastic. This connection with the development of wrinkles results in the therapeutic effect of hyaluronic acid in wrinkle treatment. Wrinkle injections with hyaluronic acid are suitable for filling in skin lines and stabilizing them.

Tissue can be padded with them. There are different hyaluronic acid gels with different consistency and viscosity, which are used to treat wrinkles of different depth and skin thickness. A wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid takes about 30 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis.

One treatment costs about 300€ and depending on the localization and depth of the wrinkles, different numbers of treatments are necessary to smooth the wrinkles. To treat wrinkles, for example, substances consisting of hyaluronic acid, vitamin A and moisture-binding components are injected into the skin. The substance is injected under local anesthesia.

Afterwards there is almost always a slight swelling of the skin surface. A total of 5-10 applications must be repeated. The intervals between applications are about 7-10 days.

Wrinkle treatment with own fat

The treatment of wrinkles with own fat is called lipofilling or lipotransfer. Wrinkles are injected with the patient’s own body fat to build up volume and smooth the wrinkles. The doctor removes fat cells from parts of the body, thighs, buttocks or abdomen. The fatty tissue is prepared and injected under wrinkled facial areas, for example. This treatment takes 1 to 2 hours and is usually repeated after a few weeks.

Wrinkle treatment with laser

The treatment of facial wrinkles with laser is suitable for rejuvenating pre-aged skin as a whole. The laser treatment is particularly effective for smoothing out many small wrinkles, for example around the mouth. The method smoothes the uppermost structures of the skin. The popular “fractional laser treatment”, which activates deeper skin layers, has existed for a few years.The technique is called fractionated because the columns are surrounded by normal tissue, which significantly shortens the healing time.