X-ray examination of the child


X-ray examination in the child is understood to be the taking of an X-ray image using X-rays for the diagnosis of specific diseases. X-rays are particularly suitable for assessing bony structures. Soft tissues such as the organs become more visible through an ultrasound examination or an MRI. In children, however, there are a few things to consider that differ from X-ray examinations in adults.


The indications for an X-ray examination in children should be more stringent than for adults. This is particularly related to radiation exposure, as children are still growing and their tissues are therefore more sensitive to radiation. Cells that divide frequently have a higher risk of suffering genetic changes due to radiation exposure.

For this reason, it is necessary to consider the urgency of imaging for the detection or assessment of disease. On the one hand, the severity of the disease must be considered, i.e. whether the effects are superior to the radiation risk in the absence of imaging or in the event of a delay in therapy. On the other hand, it must be considered whether other radiation-free diagnostic procedures are available, such as ultrasound or MRI. Examples of indications for X-ray examinations in children are bone fractures, suspected skeletal malformations or lung diseases such as pneumonia. Since bones are best visible in X-rays, these bone diseases are among the main indications.

Preparation for X-ray examination of the child

Depending on the age and reason for the X-ray examination in the child, the preparation also differs. For CT images of the abdomen, which are also part of the X-ray procedures, the child may need to be fasting. This means that no food must be taken at least 6 hours before the examination and no water 2 hours before.

It is best to consult the doctor treating the child. For X-ray examinations that are carried out on an outpatient basis, it is also important to carry the referral form and the insurance card. If your child is old enough to understand the circumstances, it may be helpful to explain in advance what will be done during the examination, to reassure him or her and to convey that it is important to remain calm during the admission.