Yoga exercises for the back | Yoga Exercises

Yoga exercises for the back

There are many different yoga exercises to strengthen the back muscles and to improve the flexibility of the back.

  • An exercise to strengthen the back and shoulder muscles is the boat. To do this, lie on the floor in a prone position, arms stretched forward, forehead resting on the floor.

    Now raise both arms and the head and keep both in this position. As an enhancement you can also lift your legs off the floor.

  • Another exercise for the back is the shoulder bridge. For this, lie on your back and adjust your legs, your feet should be as close as possible to your buttocks.

    Now lift the buttocks as far as you can and push the back through. If possible, you can grasp the ankles with your hands. Hold this position for about 30 seconds to one minute.

  • The last exercise serves to mobilize the shoulders and upper back.

    Start in the heel seat and stretch both arms far forward. Stretch one arm to the side under the other until you feel a stretch in the shoulder and upper back. Repeat the exercise with the other side.

Yoga exercises for children

Due to their exceptional mobility and muscle strength, children can perform almost all yoga exercises just like adults. The positions are not held so long when doing yoga with children and the breaks between the exercises are shortened instead. Care should be taken to ensure that children do not overstretch their joints.

  • An exercise to promote concentration and balance is the tree.To do this, the child stands on one leg and angles the other leg sideways, the foot is placed sideways at the knee of the supporting leg. The hands are put together and the arms are stretched upwards.
  • A fun exercise to strengthen the arm muscles is the crow. To do this, the child starts in a squatting position, the hands are placed in front of the feet, the knees point outwards.

    Then the knees are placed on the upper arms, the weight is shifted slightly forward and the feet are released from the ground.

  • Another exercise that is often easier for children than for adults is the bridge or the bicycle. For this, the child puts his feet up on his back and his hands next to his head. Now it pushes the whole body up so that the pelvis is the highest point of the body.