Yoga exercises to lose weight | Yoga Exercises

Yoga exercises to lose weight

When doing yoga exercises to lose weight, it is especially important that they are performed as dynamically as possible, for example in a sequence of exercises and stimulate the cardiovascular system. More exercises for losing weight can be found here: Exercises against abdominal fat

  • The dolphin, for example, is suitable for this. The starting position for the dolphin is the forearm support, with the buttocks being the highest point of the body.

    Now push the upper body forward towards your hands, the pelvis will lower, and return to the starting position with the pelvis raised. Repeat this movement for one minute.

  • The first warrior is also an exercise that stimulates the circulation. For this, stand in a wide lunge, the front leg is bent 90° at the hip and knee, the back leg remains stretched.

    Now stretch both arms upwards, with the palms of your hands touching.

  • To strengthen the shoulder muscles, a support exercise can be incorporated. To begin with, support yourself with your hands under the shoulder joints in a classic push-up. As a variation, the support can be opened to the side. Stretch one hand upwards towards the ceiling.

General Information

Yoga originally comes from India and has been adapted in many different variations for different target groups in the western world. It is a very gentle, gentle way of movement and is therefore suitable and feasible for almost everyone. In addition, yoga can help very well with muscularly caused back pain and also make weight loss easier. The focus is on the interaction of body and mind, in order to be able to influence the body through concentration and relaxation of the mind.