

Yohimbine is a medicinal substance extracted from the bark of the Yohimbe tree. Yohimbe trees grow primarily in tropical, humid, warm regions such as Africa. Chemically, the substance from the yohimbe bark belongs to the class of alkaloids.

Alkaloids occur frequently in nature; they contain a ring system of nitrogen atoms and react similarly to basic substances. Yohimbine has been used for a long time by various African tribes as a sexual enhancer. Nowadays, the active ingredient has also found its way to Europe and is sold there as a potency-increasing agent.

Application areas

Yohimbine is mainly used to treat erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability of a man to get a stiff penis. Since a stiff male member is a basic requirement for performing sexual intercourse, men with erectile dysfunction are unable to perform sexual intercourse.

Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction. These men often feel uncomfortable and in some way inadequate. Erectile dysfunction can be both physical and psychological, and can be a huge burden for both the man and his partner.

Relationships in which the man suffers from erectile dysfunction are heavily burdened and quite a few of these partnerships break up because of problems in the bedroom. Physically caused erectile dysfunction is caused by a lack of blood circulation in the male member or muscle weakness in the penis muscles. Psychologically caused erectile dysfunction, on the other hand, is caused by factors such as lack of self-confidence, stress or nervousness. The active ingredient yohimbine increases potency and erectile capacity and can give new hope and self-confidence to patients suffering from erectile dysfunction (inability to achieve an erection).

Mode of action

Yohimbine unfolds its effect by occupying special receptors. Receptors are small molecules in our body which, when a corresponding substance binds to them, trigger a wide variety of effects. So-called alpha2-receptors are occupied by yohimbine, the normal substance that would actually trigger a reaction of the receptors can thus no longer attach itself.

Because of this mechanism of action, yohimbine is also known as an alpha2-receptor antagonist. The term antagonist in this context refers to an “antagonist”. Under normal circumstances, alpha2 receptors, which are mainly located on nerve fibers of the CNS (often in the area of synapses), mediate a regulation of the release of messenger substances.

Alpha2 receptors thus contribute to the regulation of the sympathetic nervous system and keep the CNS in balance. The sympathetic nervous system increases the heart rate and blood pressure by narrowing the vessels. If this narrowing of the vessels is prevented, it can help to achieve an erection, since for an erection the vessels of the male sexual organ must be dilated in order to absorb sufficient blood. Yohimbine also acts on the central nervous system, where it increases sexual desire and pleasure. However, the exact mechanism behind this has not yet been conclusively clarified.