You can recognize a premenstrual syndrome from these symptoms


The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be both physical and psychological. The symptoms usually occur 7-14 days before menstruation and can be of a variety of different types.

These are the symptoms

The typical signs of premenstrual syndrome include – Feeling of tightness in the breasts, swelling of the breasts, sensitivity to touch – abdominal pain, cramps in the abdomen – back pain – headache, migraineconstipation, flatulence – swollen parts of the body due to water retention in the tissues (edema) – weight fluctuations (especially weight gain) – fatigue, Exhaustion, lack of concentrationMood swings/unstable mood, nervousness, inner restlessness, irritability, depressive moods – Dizziness, circulation problems – Sleep disorders – Unclean skin, pimples Of course, not all of the above-mentioned points need to be fulfilled to speak of a premenstrual syndrome. Decisive for the recognition of a premenstrual syndrome is the cycle-dependent occurrence of the symptoms, as well as an interruption of the symptoms for at least 7 days between two menstrual periods. Everything you should know about premenstrual syndrome can be found here: Premenstrual Syndrome – All you need to know about itNausea and vomiting, if cycle-dependent, can be characteristics of premenstrual syndrome.

The nausea can restrict the affected women in their eating habits. The reduced food intake can then lead to further complaints, such as concentration problems, headaches or tiredness. Occasionally the nausea is so severe that it leads to vomiting.

Many women find it almost impossible to cope with a normal daily routine of nausea or vomiting. Nausea in the context of a premenstrual syndrome is therefore experienced as particularly agonizing by many of those affected. You can find out here how you can combat the nausea with household remedies and homoeopathy: Premenstrual Syndrome and Nausea – These remedies help!

Premenstrual Syndrome affects the mood of many women. In some, it is so severe that it causes depressive symptoms. These include feelings such as sadness, restlessness and a lack of drive.

The depressive traits are typically cycle-dependent in premenstrual syndrome and disappear again when menstruation begins. Occasionally the symptoms are so severe that it is almost impossible to cope with everyday life. This can be associated with a high level of suffering for the women affected.

Breast tenderness is a typical symptom of the premenstrual syndrome. It can also be associated with sensitivity to touch, stinging or even pain. In medical terminology, the occurrence of the above-mentioned symptoms is referred to as mastodynia.

Usually the symptoms in the breast occur shortly before menstruation and often improve during menstruation. The leading symptoms of a premenstrual syndrome include abdominal pain. The character of the pain can be varied, with some women experiencing a pulling or pricking sensation, others more likely to feel pressure or cramps.

Sometimes the abdominal pain can be so severe that the affected women are unable to perform everyday tasks. Young women in particular are mainly affected by very severe abdominal pain or abdominal pain in the context of premenstrual syndrome. Abdominal cramps or abdominal pain are among the classic symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

They occur predominantly in the lower abdomen or lower torso. The pain typically appears at intervals. This means that in addition to the painful cramping episodes, there are also periods of time when women are free of pain.

Occasionally the cramps are so severe that the affected women literally “bend over in pain”. Headache and back pain are among the many symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. In contrast to the other symptoms, however, they are quite unspecific, i.e. they may have been caused by other circumstances.

As an expression of a PMS symptom, headache and back pain typically occur shortly before the period. The pain recedes during menstruation, or at the latest after the period has subsided. Constipation, if it is cycle-dependent, can be considered a symptom of premenstrual syndrome.

Women who suffer from constipation as part of a premenstrual syndrome have difficulty passing stool, especially in the week before menstruation. The constipation should subside at the latest after the end of menstruation. Problems with bowel movements, which persist even after the end of menstruation, are usually caused by other factors and should be clarified by the women concerned.

Fatigue affects a large number of women in the context of a premenstrual syndrome. It can sometimes be caused by sleep disorders. Sometimes fatigue is accompanied by a feeling of exhaustion, lack of energy and weakness.

How do tests for premenstrual syndrome work? You can find out more about this at: Premenstrual Syndrome TestsSweating or hot flashes associated with sweating can be a sign of premenstrual syndrome. The time component is important here.

Typically, sweating in premenstrual syndrome occurs before or at the beginning of menstruation and stops for at least one week during the monthly cycle. If, in turn, sweating is permanent, this can also be a first “sign” of the beginning of the menopause, especially in older women. Nervousness and restlessness can be an expression of a premenstrual syndrome.

In most cases, nervousness is accompanied by further changes in the emotional experience. These include mood swings, irritability, anxiety and depression. In general, however, nervousness is an unspecific symptom which, if it occurs alone, is difficult to interpret as a clear indication of a premenstrual syndrome.

A typical feature of a premenstrual syndrome is an altered libido. In general, libido refers to sexual desire. Some women experience an increase in the feeling of lust, while for others the desire for intimacy tends to decrease.

Especially in the last days before menstruation, a changed libido is common in premenstrual syndrome. Muscle pain is rather rare in premenstrual syndrome. Occasionally they are described by women who also suffer from back pain.

The occurrence of muscle pain alone is generally of little consequence in identifying a premenstrual syndrome. Patients should look out for other symptoms that recur monthly (in addition to muscle pain). Shortly before the onset of menstruation, many women experience skin blemishes or pimples.

The skin may also appear “oilier” or even “greasier”. Typically, about a week before your period, the appearance of unattractive pustules and blackheads can occur. The skin often clears up significantly towards the end of the menstrual period or at the beginning of the new cycle.

Our next article may also be of interest to you: Homeopathy for acne and menstruationDeafness or tingling sensations are not typical PMS symptoms. Occasionally these sensations are described by women who also suffer from magnesium deficiency. The low mineral content is then responsible for the annoying “tingling” or numbness.

You can find out here how you can tell that you suffer from a magnesium deficiency: These symptoms indicate a magnesium deficiency. Water retention before the start of menstruation is a classic indication of a premenstrual syndrome. The water retention leads to a feeling of being “bloated” or “swollen” in many people affected. It is also possible that the water retention only shows up on certain parts of the body, such as the hands, feet or breasts, where it leads to significant swelling.