Zinc Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mild zinc deficiency is more common than people think. However, a serious zinc deficiency is diagnosed less often than you might fear. Both are also readily treatable. One can compensate for zinc deficiency by improving diet and, if necessary, by oral zinc supplements.

What is zinc deficiency?

A blood test of zinc levels is used by physicians to further diagnose various diseases. Acute or chronic zinc deficiency is a readily treatable disorder in the body caused by inadequate intake, situational or age-related excess consumption of zinc, or poor utilization of zinc. The basis of a deficiency of zinc is the fact that zinc cannot be produced in the body. It must be taken in daily through food in sufficient quantities. Otherwise, latent, acute or chronic zinc deficiency and its consequences occur.


Various factors can be named as causes of zinc deficiency. Often, an insufficient zinc intake or a limited usability for zinc are causative for a zinc deficiency. But also fasting cures and diets, a one-sided diet low in vital substances, occasionally also strict vegetarianism, a protein deficient diet or the constant consumption of phosphate-containing cola drinks can lead to a zinc deficiency. Likewise, a prolonged calcium overdose as a result of osteoporosis, regular alcohol consumption, acute and chronic heavy metal exposure, or inflammatory bowel diseases such as celiac disease and ulcerative colitis can cause zinc deficiency. Furthermore, starvation or anorexia, elevated blood sugar levels, neurodermatitis, surgically induced blood loss, profuse sweating, or certain medications can cause acute or chronic zinc deficiency. Medications that deplete zinc include, for example, laxatives, drainage preparations, cortisone or the contraceptive pill. In old age and in certain phases of life such as pregnancy, stress or growth phases, there may also be an increased consumption of zinc. The utilization of zinc from plant foods is more difficult. We therefore prevent zinc deficiency by eating meat, cereals, dairy products or fish.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Zinc is involved in numerous biochemical and physiological processes in the body and therefore the symptoms of a zinc deficiency can vary greatly. Initial signs of zinc deficiency are usually nonspecific. These include frequent mild colds, especially rhinitis, or fatigue and listlessness despite adequate sleep. Due to a longer lasting undersupply, the dysfunction of the immune system increases and the complaints become more obvious and specific. Hair loss, brittle and splitting nails or flu-like effects may appear. The signs can be physical and mental/emotional. In addition to taste disturbances and delayed wound healing, there may also be impaired concentration and a general drop in performance. In addition, some skin problems such as dry, scaly skin and various inflammatory reactions with pustules and redness may occur. There is an increased incidence of herpes, especially on the lips. Likewise, the oral cavity or the paranasal sinus can become repeatedly inflamed. Individual susceptibilities that already existed before a zinc deficiency cause increased complaints in the case of an undersupply. This can be the gastrointestinal tract or the bladder. In children, zinc deficiency can lead to growth disorders. In the case of prolonged undersupply, irritability and depressive moods may be indicative of zinc deficiency. Likewise, zinc deficiency can affect the senses. This may involve impaired vision, especially in the dark.

Diagnosis and course

Diagnosis and course in zinc deficiency depend on the degree of deficiency, its duration, and the sequelae that have already occurred. Often, a latent zinc deficiency is not even noticed. It exists only for a certain time and then balances itself out again. If, however, a tendency to skin inflammation, cracked and inflamed mouth corners, increased susceptibility to infections or hair loss is noticed over a longer period of time, zinc deficiency may be the cause. Since the essential trace element must be taken in through food, a diet low in zinc can already trigger an imbalance.In the long run, a diagnosable zinc deficiency occurs. However, it is rarely detected in the blood count. Rather, certain symptoms indicate it. In the course of a chronic zinc deficiency, however, important functional circuits in the organism can be disturbed. Long-lasting zinc deficiency affects, for example, hormones, the immune system, skin, vision, taste perception or blood quality. Environmentally ill people, who are burdened by heavy metal pollution, have to consider a lifelong increased zinc intake in order not to suffer from zinc deficiency. At the same time, zinc helps to eliminate heavy metals. The same applies to diabetics. They suffer a zinc deficiency because they excrete zinc.


A number of complications can occur with zinc deficiency. Initially, a deficiency of the trace element is noticeable through general symptoms such as fatigue, weakness and listlessness. In the long term, these complaints can lead to a decrease in well-being and promote the development of mental illnesses. In the area of the sensory organs, visual disturbances such as night blindness, dry eyes and olfactory disturbances occur. In the area of the oral mucosa, it can also lead to taste disorders and the development of ulcers and infections. In the skin, impurities can occur, as well as serious skin changes such as acne or even dermatitis. Skin fungi, eczema and pustules, especially on the fingers, face and anal and genital areas, also sometimes occur. A deficiency of zinc also increases susceptibility to infections and can lead to a weakening of the immune system in the long term. Possible hormonal complications include potency disorders and even infertility, as well as growth disorders in children and adolescents. The treatment of zinc deficiency does not cause any major complaints, apart from any side effects of the dietary supplements used. In individual cases, however, zinc poisoning can occur, which in the worst case leads to coma.

When should you go to the doctor?

Consultation with a doctor is necessary if the person suffers from health impairments for a long time. A loss of drive, increased fatigue or a decrease in well-being are signs of an existing disease or deficiency. Medical tests are needed so that the cause can be clarified. If there are disturbances in concentration, delayed wound healing, hair loss or abnormalities and irregularities of the nails in everyday life, a visit to the doctor is advisable. In case of taste disorders, peculiarities of the skin appearance as well as repeatedly occurring colds, there is reason for concern. If the physical as well as the mental performance decreases, this indicates a disorder. A loss of zest for life, mood swings as well as a depressive basic attitude towards life can also be described as unusual. If the changes increase continuously, this indicates an irregularity in the organism. If there is no triggering stimulus for this development in an objective observation of the life situation, the observations should be discussed with a physician. In case of impaired vision, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. Likewise, a check-up visit should take place if the affected person suffers from abnormalities in the area of the oral cavity or the paranasal sinuses. Redness in the mouth, taste disorders as well as herpes are warning signals of the organism and must be taken care of medically.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of zinc deficiency can be done by dietary changes and oral substitution with dietary supplements. In most cases, the deficit of zinc can then be quickly compensated. However, in some cases of zinc deficiency – for example, severe diabetes or chronic environmental disease caused by heavy metal exposure – permanent administration of zinc supplements may be considered. Zinc deficiency should also generally be compensated for in old age or during pregnancy and lactation.


As a sensible prevention against zinc deficiency, an adequate supply through the diet is useful. At the same time, an excessive depletion of zinc must be excluded. The complete renunciation of meat is just as responsible for a zinc deficiency as the massive consumption of phosphate-containing cola drinks or convenience foods. In addition, certain reduction diets and slimming diets can cause zinc deficiency. Alcoholic beverages should be avoided as much as possible to prevent zinc deficiency.They interfere with zinc absorption, but also ensure higher zinc excretion. Inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestinal mucosa – for example in ulcerative colitis or celiac disease – must be treated to prevent a later zinc deficiency.


Follow-up care for zinc deficiency depends on the causes of the deficiency. If the zinc deficiency can be attributed solely to a diet low in zinc, care should be taken to ensure adequate dietary intake of the mineral even after successful treatment. Regular consumption of foods containing zinc, such as red meat, fish, seafood, milk and dairy products, and sourdough-based whole grain products, effectively prevents future deficiency symptoms. Affected vegetarians or vegans can alternatively integrate plant-based zinc sources such as nuts, lentils, oilseeds and white beans more into their diet. Since the human body can absorb zinc from vegetable food clearly more badly than the zinc from animal food, in this case however larger quantities are necessary. With an overall varied diet, those affected can keep their zinc balance stable in the long term in this way. Dietary supplements taken briefly to treat the acute deficiency, on the other hand, should only be used over a longer period after consultation with the doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of an over-supply of the mineral, which is also harmful. This can lead to zinc poisoning with permanent damage. If the causes of the zinc deficiency are to be found in connection with another underlying disease, the aftercare depends on the respective clinical picture and its prognosis. If the disease has been successfully treated, no additional follow-up is usually needed.

What you can do yourself

The most important self-help measure for zinc deficiency is a consistent change in diet. The affected person should eat more animal products, since zinc is contained primarily in these. Vegetable zinc, on the other hand, cannot be absorbed well by the body. However, vegetarians and people with increased needs can also take zinc in the form of dietary supplements. The daily dose of 10 mg should not be exceeded with such preparations. In addition, they should not be taken together with other food supplements, but should be taken after two to three hours. Otherwise, it is advisable to consume mainly offal and red meat such as beef, as these have a particularly high zinc content. Foods that are particularly rich in zinc include dairy products, various oilseeds, pumpkin seeds, peas, white beans, lentils, nuts, oatmeal, fish and seafood. The diet should be varied and diverse. However, industrially produced foods such as ready-made products or fast food should be avoided. Sugary drinks such as cola are also not recommended in the case of a zinc deficiency. Affected smokers should reduce or completely stop smoking. They have an increased zinc requirement. In addition, alcohol consumption should be avoided for the time being.